Drink beer, save the planet!

UK company Toast have come up with an awesome way to reduce food waste – they turn leftover bread into beer.

It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for – drinking beer can be good for the planet.

Our video shows the amazing work of UK company Toast, who are turning surplus bread into beer.

Cheers! Drink beer, save the planet. Source: BrightVibes

Food waste is one of the biggest problems currently facing society. 

Bread is one of the worst culprits. An astonishing 44% of all the bread produced ends up in the bin. That’s almost half the bread that is baked every day!

Of the 15 million tons of food wasted every year in the UK, bread is the worst offender. The amount of bakery goods thrown away is enough to lift 26 million people out of malnutrition.

Toast Pale Ale begins life as leftover bread
Raw ingredients Toast Pale Ale begins life as leftover bread Source: Toast © Tom Moggach

Tackling food waste

The statistics are hard to stomach. 

Spurred on to do something to stop this shocking waste, Tristram Stuart founded Toast Ale, the UK’s first bread to beer ale. Toast hope to significantly reduce global food waste by turning some of this surplus bread into craft beer.

Toast are so committed to ending the criminal waste of bread that they are prepared to sacrifice profit for ending food waste. 

Founder Tristram Stuart says, ‘We aim to put ourselves out of business. The day there’s no waste bread is the day Toast Pale Ale can no longer exist.’

Toast founder Tristram Stuart
Master brewer Toast founder Tristram Stuart Source: Toast © Tom Moggach


And if that wasn’t worthy enough, Toast also donate all profits to Feedback, an environmental organisation that campaigns to end food waste at every level of the food system. Feedback do some fantastic work, some of their ongoing projects include:

  • Feeding the 5000 – communal feasts for 5000 people made entirely from food that would have otherwise been wasted.
  • The Gleaning Network – volunteers redistribute the enormous amount of fruit and veg wasted on farms to those in need.  
The Gleaning Network in action
Never too young The Gleaning Network in action Source: Feedback


You can help by drinking Toast Pale Ale, or donating to their Crowdfunding campaign to help Toast brew a Session IPA and a lager.

‘To change the world, you’ve got to throw a better party than the people destroying it.’

Now that’s a campaign we can get behind!

So #RaiseAToast and get involved at toastale.com

Help brew more beer

Donate to Toast’s Crowdfunding campaign to help them extend their range to include a Session IPA and a lager.

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