Source: BrightVibes

This school teaches children about the huge impact a small act of kindness can have

The lessons are free to download and tell the inspiring story of Jaap Bressers, who became paralysed after a diving accident, and how a small gesture from nurse named Carlos made all the difference to his life.

“Carlos Moments” — even the smallest act of kindness can have the biggest impact

A Dutch primary school is teaching children about the massive impact a small act of kindness can have. The children are encouraged to tell each other about the meaning of kind gestures and the effect they have had on them. The lessons began with the inspiring story of Jaap Bressers who became paralysed after a diving accident, and how a simple gesture from nurse named Carlos made all the difference to his recovery and life. The lessons, called “Carlos Moments” lessons, are free to download.

Dutch school teaches children the value of a small Acts of kindness At this Dutch primary school, children are taught the huge impact a small act of kindness ? can have. This lessons are free to download and can now be taught ?‍? in every classroom around the world. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

A “Carlos Moment” can change your life and that of another forever in a positive way

Jaap Bressers awoke in a panic to find himself in Intensive Care, unable to move. The last thing he could remember was the sound of a loud ‘SNAP!’ in his neck during a diving holiday in Portugal. 

Aged 21 at the time, Jaap had accidentally misjudged a dive and slammed head first into the seabed, breaking his neck. He was paralysed.

But thanks to a small gesture of kindness from a nurse named Carlos, Jaap was able to find peace with his situation. 

"I was lying there in a strange country, in a strange bed and in a strange body, The only thing I could still feel was panic. If I shouted long enough, somebody would come along and check the monitors and then leave again. Standard procedure. Until one night, nurse Carlos came when I had another anxiety attack. He saw me, Jaap, not just another diving victim.”

Carlos paid attention to him, put a hand on his shoulder, the only place Jaap still had any sensation, and told him; "It’s Okay." This small gesture meant the world to Jaap and put him at ease. 

“For me, that made all the difference in the world. By ‘just’ paying attention to me, he gave me the strength to realise I’m still alive." 

"I think we all have a Carlos inside and everyone can make a difference in their own unique way. Those ‘Carlos moments’ – small and big successes – deserve to be credited and celebrated. Then you’ll see how they can make life even better.”

From this touching story of the compassion of one human being towards another, the idea for “Carlos Moments” lessons was born.

Expressing gratitude Source: BrightVibes

Make a difference for children

A Carlos Moment can change your life and that of another forever in a positive way. Simply by doing something that is easy for you and valuable to another. It is therefore our mission to “introduce everyone in the world to the power of a Carlos Moment”. And, what better way then to start with our youth in their own schools.

What does the curriculum offer?

The Carlos Moments curriculum contains two programs. One is developed for Elementary schools, the other for Secondary schools.

In approximately one or two hours, the program introduces the students to the Carlos Moments; a seemingly small gesture that becomes of great value to someone else. The program offers a variety of interactive work methods that are fun and accessible.

The topics covered include:

  • Enjoy what you do
  • Self-reflection: discover your own added value
  • Coping with change
  • Experiencing that doing something small and easy for you can be of great value and importance for someone else
  • Stimulate creativity

The children write a little Thank You note for someone who did a small act of kindness without them even knowing it.
Thank you! The children write a little Thank You note for someone who did a small act of kindness without them even knowing it. Source: BrightVibes

Free to download!

Please share your experiences!

Did you use the Carlos Moments curriculum in your class? We invite you to share your experiences with us: info@carlosmomentjes.nlWe are always very happy to read your ideas! Have fun with the Carlos Moments in your class!

Would you rather download the program directly instead of receiving the information via e-mail? That is also possible!

Download the program for elementary schools HERE 

Download the program for secondary schools HERE 

Do you have questions? Contact at 

If you want to stay up-to-date on developments around Carlos Moments in the future? Simply fill out your name and e-mail address using the link below and you will receive the curriculum in your mail for free. 

Would you like to introduce your students to Carlos Moments?

With this link, you can find all the information you need as a teacher, school administrator or volunteer to put together a successful lesson. The Carlos Moments Foundation gladly offer you this program FREE of charge. Not a teacher but want to spread the word about Carlos Moments? You can contribute to the cause by translating the program into your own language. Click this link for more details.

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