At lunchroom fröbel, everyone gets the chance to develop themselves and do what they’re best at

This lunchroom employs people with a disability and leaves plenty of room to develop skills and enjoy a pleasant workplace.

Lunchroom fröbel

Delicious sandwiches and a great atmosphere; lunchroom Fröbel in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, offers a great lunch and tasty cake. But this social enterprise offers even more.

Lunchroom FröbelSource: Facebook BrightVibes


To fröbel means to develop by doing. The German pedagogue Friedrich Fröbel said that development goes faster when you do something you enjoy, at a place you like. Lunchroom Fröbel has taken its name from this term, as it aims to provide a pleasant working space where people with a handicap can learn and enjoy their work.

Fröbel employs people with a distance to the labor market. At the lunchroom they are encouraged to learn new skills in their own time and own way. Fröbel offers barista training by the best barista’s in town and teaches its employees how to do everything that’s related to the hospitality industry.

The lunchroom was founded early 2017, by then 23 year old Saskia Warnaar. Her passion to provide people with a safe and fun working environment, caused her to move from utrecht to Rotterdam, to start the first social enterprise of its kind there.

Reggy brings out the most delicious sandwiches, with joy! Source: BrightVibes

Source: BrightVibes

Cake deliveries and more

Fröbel is situated close to a museum in Rotterdam and makes pies and cakes for the museum. They ofeer lunches, pies and other delicious things to companies (and museums!) and deliver it themselves. Sometimes by car, but more often by bike.

The lunchroom gives its staff a lot of autonomy, but supports where necessary. There are no professional chefs or caretakers, but everyone helps each other with their tasks.

Lunchroom fröbel Source: BrightVibes

At the marketplace, Pascal picks out the best fruit Source: BrightVibes
Saskia watches Kirsten prepare a delicious grilled cheese sandwich Source: BrightVibes

Visit their website

Unfortunately, the website is only in Dutch, but for those of you visiting Rotterdam anytime soon; the adress and opening hours are listed on the website.

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