Woman turns old sick tree stump into a magical-looking Little Free Library

A clever twist on the donation-based community library breathes new life into the big old tree stump.

The Little free Library inside a century-old cottonwood tree stump looks magical

While we live in a highly connected world where digital technologies are clearly the master, actual analogue books have still managed to retain their charm. The nonprofit Little Free Library strives to cultivate this relationship with the printed press. In more than 88 countries, around 75,000 small, completely free libraries have spread where anyone can borrow or drop off a book. One of the latest bookstores to join this project is located in Coeur d ‘Alene, Idaho, and it seems to be surrounded by magic… 

“Ok, this project isn’t quite finished... but I can’t wait to share it. We had to remove a huge tree that was over 110 years old, so I decided to turn it into a little free library (which I’ve always wanted). Here it is (minus some cleanup, vegetation, and trim work)!”
Sharalee posted images of her project on Facebook “Ok, this project isn’t quite finished… but I can’t wait to share it. We had to remove a huge tree that was over 110 years old, so I decided to turn it into a little free library (which I’ve always wanted). Here it is (minus some cleanup, vegetation, and trim work)!” Source: Facebook/SharaleeArmitageHoward
The Little Free (Tree) Library A Coeur d'Alene artist and librarian found a unique way to repurpose an old and decaying tree in her front yard. She's turned the tree's stump into a Little Free Library. It's a free book exchange designed to encourage reading. A Facebook post from the woman has since been shared close to 30,000 times! Source: Facebook/TaylorViydo

The Magical Little Free Library in Cour d ‘Alene has become popular locally and on social media

Little Free Library is a project aimed at spreading reading. This is served by a network of small bookcases containing various books. These completely free libraries have already sprung up in many countries and are often located on street corners or in public places. 

Anyone can take a book out of the library or leave one there, thereby creating a community of reading buddies. One of the newest free libraries is located in Cour d ‘Alene, Idaho. The owner and creator is Sharalee Armitage Howard, a local artist and librarian. 

This little cottage is very different from the others: It was laid out by Sharalee in the heart of a 110-year old cottonwood tree that is sick and destined for felling. The artist, from Cour d ‘Alene, then hollowed out a place in the trunk where she could incorporate the Little Free Library. With fantastic results!

In addition to the books on the shelves, the little library also has a roof so as not to be exposed to the elements, as well as indoor and outdoor lighting. 

The Little Free Library in Cour d ‘Alene is now active and has been very successful in the neighbourhood, and especially on the internet when Sharalee published images of her project. 

Source: Curioctopus.de

Little Free Library in Cour d’Alene Source: Facebook / Taylor Vido
The program exists in 88 countries, with over 75,000 registered Little Free Libraries. In addition to the goodwill-fueled, donation-based libraries, one of the charms is that each one is customised.
Little Free Library is a project aimed at spreading reading The program exists in 88 countries, with over 75,000 registered Little Free Libraries. In addition to the goodwill-fueled, donation-based libraries, one of the charms is that each one is customised. Source: Facebook/SharaleeArmitageHoward
The complex installation on the librarian’s front lawn includes dentils that, upon closer inspection, are actually miniature books complete with titles. The Library also features interior and exterior lighting, to give the space an extra-homey glow, as well as a “roof” over the top of the stump to help prevent its weathering away.
The details make the little library cosy and inviting The complex installation on the librarian’s front lawn includes dentils that, upon closer inspection, are actually miniature books complete with titles. The Library also features interior and exterior lighting, to give the space an extra-homey glow, as well as a “roof” over the top of the stump to help prevent its weathering away. Source: Facebook/SharaleeArmitageHoward

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these libraries started springing up like magic in every neighbourhood?

You can find a Little Free Library near you on the organisation’s website which also offers premade kits if you don’t have any large tree stumps on hand.


Little Free Library is a nonprofit organisation that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity by fostering neighbourhood book exchanges around the world.

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