In partnership with Triodos Bank

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Want to buy new jeans? With MudJeans you can now rent them and spare the environment!

Mud Jeans creates jeans out of old jeans. This way a lot less raw materials have to be used and a lot less water is spilled in the process of making jeans.

The costs of jeans

Producing jeans is a huge burden on the environment. For each pair of jeans, about 7 to 8000 liters of water are used, and about 23,45 kilograms of CO2 are released. And then there’s also all the chemicals and pesticides that are used. When you take into consideration that there are about 3 billion pairs of jeans being sold each year, this amounts to quite some pollution. With these numbers, it’s hardly a surprise that the clothing industry is among the most polluting industries.

The pollution can be limited greatly by buying second-hand jeans or by renting one. At Mud jeans, you can do both!

Mud JeansSource: FaceBook BrightVibes

Buying or leasing?

Mud Jeans has a different take on jeans, the fashion industry and recycling. You can buy a pair of jeans, but you can also lease one!

You pay 120 euros for each pair. This pair of jeans consists of an ever-increasing percentage of recycled material. It used to be about 20%, and it’s now up to 40%. This is due to the fact that the techniques they use are increasingly better and more sustainable. When you return a pair of jeans, you get ten euros back.

You can also lease a pair of jeans at mud jeans. You pay 7,50 a month and after a year, the pants go back to Mud Jeans. It is then repaired, ironed, steamed, and cleaned to be then sold as vintage jeans!

This way they make sure they get the max out of a pair of Jeans and there’s as little waste as possible.

Jeans once more

In case the jeans aren’t good enough to be sold anymore, Mud Jeans collects them and sends them once a month in a larger shipment to Valencia, to their fabric factory. Here the jeans are taken apart completely, and a part of organic cotton is added and then turned into new denim fabric. Their fabric in Tunisia then turns them into new jeans.

By using the latest technology, there are fewer chemicals at play when creating these jeans.

These techniques save hundreds of liters of water that would go into colouring the jeans. They use laser technology to add all sorts of patterns, biodegradable indigo for colouring and they use a print instead of leather labels. This way they use fewer materials, which makes recycling a lot easier. At the same time, it makes the jeans ‘vegan jeans’.

BrightVibes and Triodos Bank Nederland

This article is paid for by Triodos Bank Nederland. We are happy to work with Triodos Bank as their mission and vision are in line with BrightVibes’ mission.  Triodos’ mission is to Make money work for positive, social, environmental and cultural change. Triodos Bank is in business to help create a society that protects and promotes the quality of life of all its members, and that has human dignity at its core.

This article was first published on BrightVibes on 7 February 2019.

Mud Jeans

Read more on the origin of Mud Jeans and how the leasing of jeans works exactly.

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