Source: Facebook

This man has built a pedal car entirely out of trash. Now, he wants to break world records

Patrick Chweu built a pedal car from scratch, from waste!

The Pedal Car made from Trash

He set out to build a bicycle car, using pipes and other waste materials such as tins an plastic bottles. The car is finished, but Patrick’s ambitions reach much further.

Pedal Trash Car Patrick Chweu always dreamt of having his own car. When he couldn't afford one, he created one! Source: Facebook BrightVibes


Patrick Chweu grew up in Magogoe Tlhabologo village in South Africa. When he finished school, he wanted to go to university to study Political science and international relations, to become a peacemaker. Unfortunately he didn’t get a scholarship and didn’t have enough money.

As he couldn’t find a job, he started making and selling toy cars just so he could afford basics such as toiletries and other necessities. The business started slow, but he now sells about 10 toy cars a month. Many customers complimented his craftmanship and told him he should attempt to build an actual car. He didn’t pay much attention to this suggestion, but when a man came up to him with tears in his eyes and said he admired people who look at things in a different way, Patrick was touched and inspired.

He decided he wanted to build a real pedal car and set out to do just that. He sat down to design his new mode of transport. The actual building took a lot of hard work and it certainly wasn’t easy.

Only on his fourth attempt was the car able to drive. He named the car after his own nickname, “Mabiza.”

Is it a car? Is it a bicycle? Watch footage from Mabiza riding through town. Source: Facebook

An inspiring car

The car has a sunroof and a seat made out of a pillow and sponges. It doesn’t use petrol to move, but bicycle pedals.

The car was spotted in town and someone took pictures of it and posted them on Facebook with the caption “When age or poor socioeconomic conditions will not stop you from driving your dream car,” This prompted Thato Molosankwe to help raise funds for Chweu and create awareness for young people to find ways to use their talent.

“Chweu’s invention proves that a lot of young people think positive. Their dream gets shattered because of lack of support from home, community and government,” he said.

Patrick’s next challenge is to create the world’s fastest bicycle car and break the Guinness World Record:

 “I want to challenge the world record, a bicycle world record which was set by a company somewhere overseas which is 145KMPH. I’ve done the aerodynamics and it is realistic I can do it.”

He doesn’t just want to break records, he wants to inspire the South African youth to realize their talent. He wil take the car and drive it to Klerksdorp, to show the youth they can think big and stay away from negative things like drugs, alcohol and sex at an early age to avoid teenage pregnancy. 

"I want to remind them that growing up in a poor background or village doesn’t mean you’ll stay there or stay poor. Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know inside your heart, you were meant to do it!"

Source: Maftownmag and SowetanLive

Do It Yourself

Even with Patrick's craftmanship, it wasn't easy, but these instructions how you too, can build a pedal bike car.

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