Source: Facebook/AfrozShah


‘A historic moment’ as Olive Ridley turtle hatchlings emerge on Versova Beach, a coastline once buried under tons of plastic trash. Activist Afroz Shah has decided to ‘move on’ from the campaign and shares video of the dramatic improvement.

Sea turtles return to nest on beach that was once a plastic trash wasteland Around 90 hatchlings scuttled into the sea after being born at Versova beach after a gigantic clean-up operation. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

Dramatic improvement shown in 3-year timeline video

Lawyer-activist Afroz Shah, in a video shared on Twitter on Sunday, showed the dramatic improvement in the state of Mumbai’s Versova Beach over the course of three years. Shah also announced that he has decided to "move on" from the beach clean-up drive, which he had been spearheading since October 2015.

Week 160 — Posted by Afroz Shah Sunday 11 November 2018 ‘The miraculous journey to clean the beach and to get circular economy in our lives is depicted beautifully in this video - Oct 2015 to Oct 2018 - 3 years timeline. All of us work together - Citizens, MCGM, Plastic producers, Elected representatives. Spellbound results. Hence I move on.’ Source: Facebook/AfrozShah

Shah to “move on” from beach clean-up drive, which he had been spearheading since October 2015

Lawyer-activist Afroz Shah, in a video shared on Twitter on Sunday, showed the dramatic improvement in the state of Mumbai’s Versova Beach over the course of three years. Shah also announced that he has decided to "move on" from the beach clean-up drive, which he had been spearheading since October 2015.

While describing the challenges he faced during his campaign, Shah told First Post"The first challenge was to change the mindset of the people who live around the beach and also of the people who litter on the streets and the nearby creeks, thereby contributing to the unsanitary surroundings. The second challenge was to change the outlook of municipal authorities. In some campaigns, the authorities came on board, but the people didn’t; in others, the situation was precisely the opposite. Getting both to join a cause is a difficult task."

In response to Shah’s tweet on Sunday evening, a number of people congratulated him and expressed happiness at the improved conditions at the Versova Beach.


The Olive Ridley sea turtle (scientific name: Lepidochelys olivacea), also known as the Pacific Ridley sea turtle, is a medium-size species of sea turtles found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They can also be found in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
It is the first time in almost 20 years that Olive Ridley turtles have been born on that stretch of beach The Olive Ridley sea turtle (scientific name: Lepidochelys olivacea), also known as the Pacific Ridley sea turtle, is a medium-size species of sea turtles found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They can also be found in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Source: Twitter/AfrozShah

“Fantastic news” for Mumbai as 80 hatchlings are observed sctuttling into the sea

Around 80 hatchlings were observed sctuttling into the sea after being born at Versova beach last week. It is the first time in almost 20 years that Olive Ridley turtles have been born on that stretch of beach facing the Arabian Sea. 

Mumbai lawyer, Afroz Shah, launched a massive volunteer project in 2015 to clear the beach. Volunteers of all ages and walks of life removed a staggering 5,000 tons of litter which was up to 5ft/1.5m deep in places, and local authorities provided amenities such clean-up marshals, garbage trucks and excavator machines. So successful was the project that the UN declared it the world’s largest beach clean-up.

Shah described the event as a "historic moment" and "fantastic news for Mumbai" as he watched the babies emerge and scuttle into the waves.

Source: TheIndependent

Olive Ridleys normally lay eggs at places they feel safe and secure, which is good news for Mumbai.
Volunteers counted as many as 80 Olive Ridley turtle hatchlings Olive Ridleys normally lay eggs at places they feel safe and secure, which is good news for Mumbai. Source: Twitter/AfrozShah


Baby Olive Ridley turtles hatched on a Mumbai beach for first time in 20 years after mass litter clean-up operation. Hatchlings emerging on the coastline once overwhelmed by plastic was a ‘historic moment’ said cleanup organiser and local lawyer, AfrozShah Shah. The tiny turtles hatched on Versova Beach which, just three years ago, was buried under thousands of tons of plastic litter.

Mumbai lawyer, Afroz Shah, launched a massive volunteer project in 2015 to clear the beach.
Before and after the mass cleanup operation Mumbai lawyer, Afroz Shah, launched a massive volunteer project in 2015 to clear the beach. Source:

“This is nature’s gift to us,” says beach cleanup organiser

Only a few years ago, if someone had spoken of seeing Olive Ridley turtles on Mumbai’s Versova beach, many would have laughed at the idea, given the appalling state the beach had fallen into. On the afternoon of March 23, a handful of volunteers associated with the Versova beach clean up were among the lucky few saw the turtles on the beach and ‘escorted’ them safely to the Arabian sea. The volunteers counted as many as 80 Olive Ridley turtle hatchlings.

“It is a historic day for the city," an ecstatic Shah told The Mumbai Mirror, "No one can believe that Olive Ridley turtles can nest and hatch in Mumbai, and that too at Versova beach," he said. "It has still not sunk in."

Afroz Shah has been leading a dedicated team of volunteers, which has, for more than two years now, diligently cleaned up the filthy Versova beach every weekend. They have completed over 125 weeks of marine litter clean up and removed thousands of tons of garbage from the beach."This is nature’s gift to us," said Afroz Shah. "It also means that our responsibilities increase. We need a proper Marine Conservation Centre."

Source: MumbaiMirror

Volunteers of all ages and walks of life removed a staggering 5,000 tons of litter which was up to 5ft/1.5m deep in places. So successful was the project that the UN declared it the world’s largest beach clean-up.
Before: the plastic wasteland was an eyesore and health hazard to humans and animals alike Volunteers of all ages and walks of life removed a staggering 5,000 tons of litter which was up to 5ft/1.5m deep in places. So successful was the project that the UN declared it the world’s largest beach clean-up. Source: IndiaToday


CLICK to view our in-depth article on Afroz Shah and the Versova Beach cleanup: what it looked like before and after.

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