The best way to confront people is by saying these 3 things

This confrontation technique is remarkably effective in helping people see the impact of their behaviour and take accountability for their actions.

Simon Sinek’s approach to confrontation

No doubt you hate confrontation just as much as the next person, right? And it’s probably because a) you’re scared that the conversation is going to be terribly awkward and so you put it on the backburner; or b) you’re frustrated but don’t want to make a big deal of it and so you just bottle it up. Neither option is good for handling confrontation. So what is the best way to work through a problem? Author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek shares his technique for dealing with confrontation.

This confrontation technique is remarkably effective It helps people see the impact of their behaviour and take accountability for their actions. The best way to confront people is saying these 3 things: 1) Say exactly how they made you feel. 2) share the specific action that made you feel that way. 3) Explain the impact of their actions. Source: Facebook/SimonSinek

3 tips for confrontation

1 Say exactly how they made you feel. Happy/sad/angry isn’t enough. Be specific.

2 Share the specific action that made you feel that way. “When you walked out on Friday night…”

3 Explain the impact of their actions. “I feel this threatens a stable future…”

Then shut up. If they come back with a counter argument, tell them you hear what they are saying, then repeat the three things above.

Speak about it in person. If there is an issue—any issue—it’s always best to ask the person to go out for a walk or coffee and hash it out. Bottling it up and not addressing it is the worst course of action. And never try to talk it out over email. If it’s really important, it needs to be addressed in person.
Talk to them and tell them what’s on your mind Speak about it in person. If there is an issue—any issue—it’s always best to ask the person to go out for a walk or coffee and hash it out. Bottling it up and not addressing it is the worst course of action. And never try to talk it out over email. If it’s really important, it needs to be addressed in person. Source: Pexels/VeraArsic

How to Deal With a Confrontation: 3 Ways (With Pictures)

As much as you may wish to avoid it, confrontations sometimes arise. They can occur between friends, family members, partners, work colleagues, and even between customers and servers. Confrontations can be stressful, especially when emotions are running high. Learning how to keep calm and deal with a confrontation can help diffuse any potentially stressful situation.

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