Source: YouTube/DebyOnline

Breaching humpback whale startles rowers

The now-viral video was near Barra da Tijuca, just west of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Rowers were left in shock after close encounter with a giant unexpected visitor

The now-viral scene was recorded on Monday, June 17 by an unnamed woman rowing a paddle boat in the sea near Barra da Tijuca, just west of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

A humpback whale can be seen breaching just a short distance from the group and scaring the life out of them. Watch the full clip below to witness the gigantic creature in action.

Humpback startles rowers in Brazil The clip was shared to Reddit and racked up more than 7000 up-votes and over 250 comments in just 16 hours. Source: YouTube/DebyOnline/FernandaCharbel&MarcelaCarrocino

This article was originally published on BrightVibes on Jun 26 2019.

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