Source: JCC Krakow via

Poland’s first Happy-to-Chat bench ‘Gaduławka’ debuts in Krakow

The first Gaduławka—the Polish equivalent of ‘Happy to Chat’ Benches created by Allison Owen Jones in Cardiff—has opened at the Jewish Community Center in Kraków.

Gaduławka – a bench that encourages conversation has been constructed in Krakow

Gaduławka is the Polish equivalent of Happy to Chat Benches created by Allison Owen Jones in Cardiff. The campaign reached Poland thanks to the speech of TEDx Kazimierz, where the initiative was taken over by the Krakow entrepreneur Richard Lucas and Maria Gorczyca, in cooperation with Fulco – one of the leading architectural companies in Poland. The project is also supported by Magdalena Błyskosz – founder of Open Coffee Youth.  The debut of the first Gaduławka in Poland took place on September 22 at 6.00 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center at ul. Miodowa. — LoveKraków

Marked with a special sign, it invites you to sit on it and wait for your partner to discuss. Gaduławka's goal is to rebuild a sense of community among people.
Gaduławka is a bench that encourages conversation and helps in loneliness. Marked with a special sign, it invites you to sit on it and wait for your partner to discuss. Gaduławka’s goal is to rebuild a sense of community among people. Source:

Gaduławka’s goal is to fight loneliness and rebuild a sense of community

Many people aren’t bothered with the misfortune of others, being preoccupied with their own affairs. Fortunately for our world, there are numerous exceptions who are able to devote their time to improve at least someone’s day or even someone’s life with their actions. Allison Owen Jones, the initiator of the Happy to Chat benches campaign, is such a person .

While visiting the park, Allison noticed a man who looked lonely, but felt unable to approach him so that the situation would not become awkward for both sides. At that point, Allison saw how problematic it is nowadays to initiate a conversation with a stranger, so she decided to take it into her own hands. As part of her idea, she soon created signs with an invitation to talk and hung them on benches in Cardiff. Her idea turned out to be a great success, which is why the world soon heard about it.

As people involved in social activities, architectural firm Fulco decided to follow the example of Allison and move her initiative to Poland, and then expand the activity to other continents, hoping they will be able to reach as many people as possible in order to combat loneliness on a large scale.

The originator of the name Gaduławka , the Polish equivalent of Happy to Chat bench , is Krzysiek Sabuda – a senior marketing specialist at Fulco System. 

Source: htbc-fulco-pl

Marked with a special plate, it invites you to rest and wait for a partner for discussion. Gaduławka's goal is to fight loneliness and rebuild a sense of community among people.
Gaduławka is a bench that encourages conversation. Marked with a special plate, it invites you to rest and wait for a partner for discussion. Gaduławka’s goal is to fight loneliness and rebuild a sense of community among people. Source: LoveKrakó
The initiative was taken over by the Krakow entrepreneur Richard Lucas and Maria Gorczyca, in cooperation with Fulco - one of the leading architectural companies in Poland. The project is also supported by Magdalena Błyskosz - founder of Open Coffee Youth.
The campaign reached Poland thanks to the TEDx speech of Kazimierz. The initiative was taken over by the Krakow entrepreneur Richard Lucas and Maria Gorczyca, in cooperation with Fulco – one of the leading architectural companies in Poland. The project is also supported by Magdalena Błyskosz – founder of Open Coffee Youth. Source: htbc-fulco-pl
Owen-Jones expressed her hopes that the bench will encourage people in the neighbourhood to talk to each other.
Allison Owen-Jones, who assisted the inauguration of the first such bench in Poland, emphasised that you never know what a simple “good morning” can lead to. Owen-Jones expressed her hopes that the bench will encourage people in the neighbourhood to talk to each other. Source: htbc-fulco-pl
Allison Owen-Jones’s’ initiative helps alleviate loneliness and create a sense of community. Source: htbc-fulco-pl
So far, apart from Great Britain, such places have been created in the United States, New Zealand and Australia.
Gaduławka is the Polish equivalent of the British Happy to Chat Benches created by Allison Owen Jones in Cardiff. So far, apart from Great Britain, such places have been created in the United States, New Zealand and Australia. Source: htbc-fulco-pl


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