Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.

North Macedonia president personally walks bullied girl to school

After hearing she was being bullied, the President of the Republic of North Macedonia walked a girl with Down syndrome to school this week. “We are all equal in this society,” Stevo Pendarovski said. “I came to give my support and to raise awareness that inclusion is a basic principle.”

President walks 11-year-old with Down syndrome to school as message to bullies

The President of North Macedonia walked an 11-year-old girl with Down syndrome to school after he heard she was being bullied. President Stevo Pendarovski held Embla Ademi’s hand as he walked her to her elementary school in the city of Gostivar, about 65 kilometres south-west of the capital Skopje, on Monday. Embla has experienced bullying at school due to her having Down syndrome

Pendarovski “talked to Embla’s parents about the challenges she and her family face on a daily basis,” and discussed solutions, his office said in a press release. Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.
“The President said that the behavior of those who endanger children’s rights is unacceptable, especially when it comes to children with atypical development,” the statement said. Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.
“They should not only enjoy the rights they deserve, but also feel equal and welcome in the school desks and schoolyard. It is our obligation, as a state, but also as individuals, and the key element in this common mission is empathy.” “It will help children like Embla, but it will also help us learn from them how to sincerely rejoice, share and be in solidarity,” the president added.” Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.
He is also seen waving the 11-year-old off at the school gate as she walks into the building.
In a video shared by Pendarovski’s office, the President can be seen sitting down with Embla’s family and giving her gifts. He is also seen waving the 11-year-old off at the school gate as she walks into the building. Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.
“We are all equal in this society. I came here to give my support and to raise awareness that inclusion is a basic principle”, the press release quoted Pendarovski as saying. Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The President said he “encouraged and supported” Embla’s parents in their fight for the protection of the rights of children like their daughter. Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.
“Prejudices in that context are the main obstacle to building an equal and just society for all,” Pendarovski said, according to the press release. Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.
in which the main focus is on developing skills and abilities in children with different developmental processes
The President also stressed there was “a legal and moral obligation to provide inclusive education, in which the main focus is on developing skills and abilities in children with different developmental processes” and emphasised the need to raise public awareness of the issue. Source: © Office of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia.


Remember that old schoolyard jingle, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? That was not and certainly is not the truth today. Three-quarters of all children say they have been bullied or teased. Bullying and teasing are similar, but one of the key differences between them is intention. Teasing becomes bullying when it is a repetitive behavior with the conscious intention to harm or hurt another child. Bullying is one of the largest problems in schools, where the percentage of students reporting bullying at least once a week has steadily increased since 1999, according to the FBI. Bullying can make kids feel hurt, scared, lonely, embarrassed, and sad. In addition, it can also make kids fearful of and unwilling to attend school. Here are some tips on how to deal with bullies at school.

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