Source: Now This

Mathemagical — See how this wizardly teacher transformed his classroom into Hogwarts!

Teacher Kyle Hubler’s students stepped into the magical world of Harry Potter when they entered their classroom this term, because it had been decorated to look like the famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Magical mathematics master stuns students by decorating his classroom like Hogwarts

Kyle Hubler is a mathematics teacher at Evergreen Eagles Middle School in Oregon. He added an incredible dash of magic to his classroom to celebrate the beginning of the new school year by decorating the room to look just like Harry Potter’s school, Hogwarts. It only takes a quick glance at what he’s achieved to make you feel like you’re a character in J.K.Rowling’s beloved books.

Maths teacher turns dull classroom into HogwartsSource: Facebook/NowThisEntertainment

This Oregon teacher transformed his classroom into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Kyle Hubler is in his fourth year of teaching seventh and eighth graders at Evergreen Middle School in Hillsboro, Oregon. When he learned he’d be moving to a new classroom for the 2017-2018 school year, he decided to decorate it around one of his and his students’ favourite themes: Harry Potter.

“I love Harry Potter because of the impact it had on me as a kid. Being a kid can be tough sometimes there were times when I felt weird and that I didn’t belong to any circle of friends, and reading the books was a way to escape that and feel like I did belong,” Hubler told Caroline Bologna, for HuffPost.

“As I grew up, I became more skilled in socialising and developed stronger connections with friends, but the lessons in the books about acceptance, loyalty, and integrity stayed with me and inform a lot of the philosophy I have in my approach to teaching and how I interact with my students,” the teacher added.

Source: HuffPost

“The lessons in the books about acceptance, loyalty, and integrity stayed with me and inform a lot of the philosophy I have in my approach to teaching and how I interact with my students,” said the teacher.
Lessons learned from the fictional school transferred into a real classroom “The lessons in the books about acceptance, loyalty, and integrity stayed with me and inform a lot of the philosophy I have in my approach to teaching and how I interact with my students,” said the teacher. Source: Facebook/KylePEly

The teacher spent around 70 hours over the course of 5 weeks setting it all up

Mr. Hubler had already incorporated some Harry Potter elements into his classroom the previous year, and his students had really liked it. So this year he decided to go bigger with his new classroom.

He brought his own collection of Harry Potter merchandise from home into the school and worked on decorating the room a full month before the new year was set to start. In total, Hubler spent around 70 hours over the course of 5 weeks setting it all up. 

“Many of the supplies were purchased at hardware stores or online and the expenses were out of pocket, but I found creative ways to keep the costs down by looking for things second hand at garage sales and on Facebooks marketplace,” said Hubler.

When it came time to unveil the classroom on the first day of school, the students reacted enthusiastically. “I heard audible gasps and saw jaws drop to the floor,” he said. “They were scrambling around the room to inspect every little detail and were excitedly showing their peers what they discovered.”

This response is exactly what Hubler hoped for. He said his students were first and foremost what inspired him to make this magical classroom. 

Source: HuffPost

Hubler brought his own collection of Harry Potter merchandise from home to the school and worked on decorating the room a month before the new year was set to start.
Hubler poured his own time and money into the project Hubler brought his own collection of Harry Potter merchandise from home to the school and worked on decorating the room a month before the new year was set to start. Source: Facebook/KylePEly

“I want my students to feel like they can achieve their dreams as well…”

“I really love what I do, and I love the students I get to work with. I want them to feel like my class is a place they are excited about going to and to have fun learning,” said the teacher, adding that he hopes people who see his classroom feel inspired to pursue their passions in life. 

Hubler also shared photos and video footage of his classroom on Facebook. The post has been shared more than 16,000 times. 

“As a kid I remember my biggest dream was to go to Hogwarts someday, but I knew that I could never truly go there and that was a disappointment to feel like I had to give up on that dream,” he said.

“When I became a teacher and started talking to my students about their dreams I realized that I had the power to make my childhood wish come true. It wasn’t necessarily in the way I imagined as a kid, but it still feels like I made my 12-year-old self proud and fulfilled that kids dream,” he added. “I want my students to feel like they can achieve their dreams as well, no matter how big or magical.”

Keep scrolling for more photos of "Professor" Hubler’s magical classroom. 

Source: HuffPost

“I really love what I do, and I love the students I get to work with.” “I want them to feel like my class is a place they are excited about going to and to have fun learning,” Source: Facebook/KylePEly
...but I found creative ways to keep the costs down by looking for things second hand at garage sales and on Facebooks marketplace,” said Hubler.
“Many of the supplies were purchased at hardware stores or online and the expenses were out of pocket… …but I found creative ways to keep the costs down by looking for things second hand at garage sales and on Facebooks marketplace,” said Hubler. Source: Facebook/KylePEly
All the Houses of Hogwarts are represented Source: Facebook/KylePEly
“I love Harry Potter because of the impact it had on me as a kid.” “Being a kid can be tough sometimes ― there were times when I felt weird and that I didn’t belong to any circle of friends, and reading the books was a way to escape that and feel like I did belong,” Source: Facebook/KylePEly

Ways to make learning fun

As a teacher or parent, it is often a challenge to make learning appear fun to your students and children. If traditional methods of learning aren’t engaging them, it is time to think outside of the box. Capture their attention with individualised, creative, and tech-based methods of learning. Here's some ideas you can try.

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