Source: BrightVibes

Do all we can so hate won’t win

Our hearts go out to Paris after the horrific terrorist attacks. But let’s make sure #hatewontwin

We are appalled by the tragic events in Paris and our heart goes out to everyone affected. Very likely the attacks in Paris were terrorist attacks by Moslim extremist.

Unfortunately there will be political parties who will take advantage of this tragedy by stigmatising muslims, portraying them all as likely terrorists. 

To counteract this, we aim to inspire you so that hate won’t win. We are disgusted by these terrorists, but we need to force ourself and others to distinguish the act of these sick terrorists  on the one hand from the Arab world as a whole & Islam on the side. We have to remember that many, many Arabs & Muslims are also victim of terrorism.  The moment we are not vigilant and let hate rule, that is when terrorism really wins. 


We don’t know yet if ISIS is behind the attacks in Paris, but the #notinmyname campaign is more relevant than ever. Young British Muslims show their solidarity against ISIS and their actions. See how a simple message can be shared to show how ISIS is misrepresenting Islam. 

Muslim extremist do not represent the muslim community. Source: Not In My Name


Alana Simmons is the grand daughter of referent Daniel Simmons Sr. Her grandfather was shot dead by a white racist together with eight other coloured people whilst attending service in his church in Charleston (USA). 

Hate Won't Win Alana explains why they started #hatewontwin Source: CNN YouTube
She started a campaign to spread love in stead of hate, which got picked up by President Obama.
Obama and Michelle show support She started a campaign to spread love in stead of hate, which got picked up by President Obama. Source: Facebook Hate won’t win

#Opendoor / Porteouverte and free taxis

The only positive thing from the tragedy in Paris, is that Parisiens opened up their homes for people that could not travel back home or to their hotel due to the state of emergency. They use the #porteouverte (#opendoor) to help those in need. Also there are reports on social media that taxi drivers have turned off their meters to provide free transport for those who are stranded. 

Humanity shines bright even on the darkest of nights.

#porteouvert Source: Twitter

In times when a few misrepresent the human race, it is of utmost importance to remember that good always triumphs over evil. We pray for Paris and everyone involved. 



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