Source: Unsplash/Alex Kalinin

Lockdown Causes Longest and Deepest Reduction in Human Noise on Record

With most of the world under some degree of lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, the “seismic noise” generated by human activity has reduced by up to 50%.

Covid-19 lockdowns cause drop in seismic noise levels worldwide

In the months since the global coronavirus pandemic ground the world to a standstill, the human race has become quieter than at any other time on record. Widespread global lockdowns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have reduced the amount of seismic noise produced by humans by up to 50% in some places, a new study has found. This 2020 seismic noise quiet period began in late January and hit its peak from March to May. It was the longest and most prominent reduction of seismic waves from human activities in recorded history, researchers reported online, 23 July in Science.

Measuring the vibrations caused by human activity, they found that global lockdowns has reduced seismic noise—that is, the noise caused by things like movement, transport and construction—by up to 50% in some places.
An international team of researchers and seismologists analysed datasets from more than 300 seismic stations around the world. Measuring the vibrations caused by human activity, they found that global lockdowns has reduced seismic noise—that is, the noise caused by things like movement, transport and construction—by up to 50% in some places. Source: Unsplash/Alex Kalinin

69% of seismic stations around the world showed significant reductions in human-caused noise

Seismometers around the world don’t only pick up loud echoes of earthquakes rumbling through the subsurface. Apparently these super-sensitive instruments can also detect many subtle reverberations, such as the hum caused by ocean swells or groundwater circulating underground, as well as the periodic tremors that sometimes signal an impending volcanic eruption, according to Caroline Grayling for ScienceNews.

Seismometers can even detect ground vibrations generated by everyday human activities, such as traffic, construction and parades or football games.

The link between seismic vibrations and noise from human activity is more intuitive than it might seem, says seismologist Thomas Lecocq of the Royal Observatory of Belgium in Brussels, who led the study. “When we ask people if they heard an earthquake, we often ask, ‘Did it sound like a truck passing by?’ People associate the rolling sound of a truck with the vibration they feel.”

However, distinguishing the patterns indicating natural hazards from other seismic signals is tricky. Some patterns have historically stood out: Human-caused rumbles tend to rise and fall with the workweek and subside on holidays. Previous analyses of these signals have tended to be local. As a result, researchers haven’t ever mapped the global scope of human seismic noise, Lecocq says.

To try to assess the change in human-caused seismic noise due to the lockdowns, Lecocq and his colleagues focused on seismic signals with frequencies between 4 and 14 hertz. Lower seismic frequencies tend to be more heavily influenced by oceans and weather, Lecocq says, and signals with higher frequencies tend to be more easily absorbed and dampened by the sediments they pass through.

Of 268 seismic stations around the world, 185, or 69%, showed significant reductions in human-caused noise. 

The noise reductions’ locations shifted along with the lockdowns as the pandemic swept across the globe, appearing first in China, then Europe and then the rest of the world, the researchers found.

The strongest reductions, as would be expected, were in heavily populated areas. Stations in Sri Lanka, for example, showed a 50% reduction in seismic noise from human activities. Even Sunday nights in New York City’s Central Park — normally a relatively quiet time for the city — were 10% quieter during the restrictions.


the most prominent recorded reduction in so-called anthropogenic noise. They’ve dubbed it the “anthropause”.
Scientists think it could be the quietest Planet Earth has been since humans developed the technology to listen: the most prominent recorded reduction in so-called anthropogenic noise. They’ve dubbed it the “anthropause”. Source: Unsplash/Dimitry B

The 2020 seismic noise quiet period also revealed just how prevalent human seismic noise is

Smaller earthquakes that would normally have required computer processing to identify in an urban seismometer’s data — such as a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck near Petatlán, Mexico, on April 7 — became much easier to spot, thanks to a 40% reduction in human noise in the region.

Researchers in the past tended to think that the vast majority of recorded human seismic signals come from less than one kilometer away, or don’t penetrate deep into the Earth; but the quiet period revealed that seismic waves from human activities have a much larger reach than once thought. For example, the team found that a seismometer placed 380 meters underground near Auckland, New Zealand, was not only registering human activity, but saw that activity halved during the lockdowns.

Identifying these human-caused seismic patterns could help scientists remove some of that noise, and possibly be better able to zoom in on natural hazards in the future, Lecocq says.

That’s an intriguing possibility, but “it will take time for the scientific community to actually demonstrate that,” says Zhongwen Zhan, a seismologist at Caltech. An even more intriguing point raised by this study, he says, is that it highlights “how seismology can be used to monitor human activities and population dynamics.”


The seismographs that identified this drastic reduction in seismic waves are more typically used for the purposes of detecting earthquakes and volcanic activity—but they’re also sensitive enough to pick up noise caused by people going about their everyday activities.
As COVID-19 and its ensuing lockdowns made these activities unfeasible, the seismic noise produced by humanity on a second-to-second basis gradually quietened down. The seismographs that identified this drastic reduction in seismic waves are more typically used for the purposes of detecting earthquakes and volcanic activity—but they’re also sensitive enough to pick up noise caused by people going about their everyday activities. Source: Unsplash/Alex Kim
That wave was tracked using a combination of seismic noise measurements with anonymised data from Google and Apple Maps that showed human movement. Now, scientists think a similar method could be used to “hear” population movements and track human mobility without the privacy concerns that come from using mobility data.
Researchers were able to visualise this drop in noise as a “wave” that moved around the globe, from China to Italy and then on to other countries, as different parts of the world went into lockdown. That wave was tracked using a combination of seismic noise measurements with anonymised data from Google and Apple Maps that showed human movement. Now, scientists think a similar method could be used to “hear” population movements and track human mobility without the privacy concerns that come from using mobility data. Source: Unsplash/Markus Spiske
The thick black line is the median average. The dips are weekends. The only noise levels that went up were residential (thin red line), as everyone was at home.
Global change in average human-caused seismic noise, November 2019–May 2020. The thick black line is the median average. The dips are weekends. The only noise levels that went up were residential (thin red line), as everyone was at home. Source: Thomas Lecocq, Stephen P. Hicks, et al. Science


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