Source: None

Adorable kid gives advice to her mom who’s getting divorced

She is the wisest and sweetest kid you’ve ever heard. Get tissues!

At her age, I put Play-doh up my noose

But this 6 year old girl is so incredibly wise. 

A divorce is a very stressful situation for kids. That’s makes it even more amazing how this girl is telling her mom it’s so important her parents are nice to each other. Sow wise. So eloquent. If only adults would be half as smart as she is… the world would be a better place. 

Wiser than 99% of our leaders 'Mom, try not to be that high up to be friends. I want everything to be low. Just try your best.'

'I'm not trying to be mean. I just want everyone to be friends. I'm trying to do my best in my heart. I want everyone to be smiling'. Source: Youtube

Who teaches who?

The perspective of kids can be so refreshing for us adults, and we can draw great lessons from them. We adults overcomplicate things, try to be all rational, to be in control whilst we forget to enjoy the moment. 

Here are a couple more examples of kids teaching us a thing or two. 

Meet the next Stephan Hawkins Meet this nine year old boy discussing the meaning of life (and the universe). Source: None
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez - winner of Youth Change Maker of the Year Award This 14 year old boy is the youth president of the Earth Guardians Source: Earth Guardians

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