The World’s First Cycling Desk Library: Utrecht’s Innovative Solution for Charging Up

The Utrecht library in the Netherlands has introduced cycling desks, allowing patrons to exercise and charge their devices while studying.

Watch the video above 👆🏼 to check these super charging cycling desks out.

Cycle in – not only to – the library

In the Netherlands, it is common for people to use bicycles as a primary mode of transportation, and Utrecht is no exception. In fact, the city is known for its extensive network of bike lanes and other infrastructure that make cycling a safe and convenient option for getting around. And now, in Utrecht’s library, you can not only take your bike to the library, but you can also cycle within the library itself.

The city’s library has installed special bikes that allow users to both charge their gadgets and get some exercise while studying.

Fighting sedentism

Sitting for long periods of time has been linked to a range of negative health effects, including obesity, heart disease, and even early mortality. With this in mind, the Utrecht library’s cycle desks are a fantastic way to combat sedentism Sedentism is defined as a lifestyle characterized by low levels of physical activity, particularly leisure-time activity, and high levels of sitting or lying down. It is often linked to negative health outcomes such as obesity, heart disease, and early mortality. while still being productive.

Not only do the cycle desks provide a convenient way to charge electronic devices, they also encourage users to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines. This is especially beneficial for students who may be tempted to sit for long periods of time while studying.

Longest rainbow bike path

Source: Michiel de Gooijer

With a length of 570 metres,  Utrecht’s rainbow cycle path is the longest rainbow cycle path in the world. It serves as a symbol that contributes to a feeling of acceptance and inspires others to also actively contribute to diversity and inclusion. Read all about it in this BrightVibes article.

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