Source: Photo by Forest Simon/Unsplash

Dutch Supermarkets sell seven per cent less meat by 2022

Supermarkets sold seven percent less meat in 2022 than in the previous year, according to Wakker Dier based on checkout data for the period 2021-2022. Fresh meat fell by nine percent and deli meats by four percent.

Protein transition: back to 40 per cent animal protein

The Dutch currently get 60 percent of their protein from animal products such as meat, while animal products have a major impact on the environment. Therefore, this share should be reduced to 40 percent, and vegetable products should instead be used more for protein consumption, Dutch NGO Wakker Dier Wakker Dier is a 100% independent, non-subsidised organisation that stands up for animals in the livestock industry. reports on its website.

Supermarkets play key role in protein transition

Supermarkets are the biggest meat sellers and therefore play an important role in the protein transition. Supermarkets have also committed to a ratio of 60 percent vegetable and 40 percent animal proteins through the Central Food Agency. Supermarkets should take responsibility and reduce their meat supply.

Source: Photo by G-R Mottez/Unsplash

Wakker Dier launches campaign for more plant-based alternatives

Wakker Dier is launching a long-term campaign targeting meat sales at supermarkets to take responsibility. Supermarkets should replace animal products with plant-based alternatives such as vegetables and pulses. By 2030, at least 60% of protein sales at supermarkets should be plant-based.

Source: Photo by Teemu Paananen/Unsplash

Checkout data from almost all supermarket chains analysed

Wakker Dier analysed figures from market research firm Circana based on checkout scans of almost all supermarket chains, with a total market share of 99 percent. The data covers only fresh meat and meat products; it excludes meat in, for example, meal salads.

Why eating more plant-based food is better

By eating more plant-based food and consuming less meat, you contribute to better health for people, animals and the environment. This is because meat production is very harmful to the environment. Moreover, it is not necessary to eat a lot of meat to stay healthy, as the important nutrients in meat can also be found in other products. The advice is to eat no more than 500 grams of meat per week, of which a maximum of 300 grams should be red meat, so writes Eating less meat and replacing it with plant-based alternatives, such as pulses, unsalted nuts and egg, can significantly reduce the climate impact of your diet. It is possible to reduce meat step by step by eating smaller portions, choosing more sustainable meat, setting a fixed day without meat and finding good substitutes, for example.

If you want to read more about alternatives to meat consumption, read this article about a Dutch hamburger made from seaweed!

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