
Dutch bulb fields like you’ve never seen them before!

20,000m2 artwork GROW highlights the beauty and importance of agriculture by turning a field of ordinary leeks into a dazzling light-show in celebration of the crops that feed us.

GROW Highlighting the beauty of agriculture… literally

Daan Roosegaarde’s latest artwork GROW is an homage to the beauty of agriculture. In the world film premiere GROW appears as a 20,000m2 luminous dreamscape of red and blue waves of light over an enormous field. GROW is inspired by scientific light recipes which improve plants’ growth and resilience.

In the world film premiere GROW appears as a 20,000m2 luminous dreamscape of red and blue waves of light over an enormous field. GROW is inspired by scientific light recipes which improve plants’ growth and resilience.
Daan Roosegaarde’s latest artwork GROW is an homage to the beauty of agriculture. In the world film premiere GROW appears as a 20,000m2 luminous dreamscape of red and blue waves of light over an enormous field. GROW is inspired by scientific light recipes which improve plants’ growth and resilience. Source:

Dutch art installation highlights the beauty of agriculture… literally

Most of the time we hardly notice the huge areas of the Earth which are literally feeding us. GROW highlights the importance of innovation in the agriculture system: How can cutting-edge light design help plants to grow more sustainably? How can we make the farmer the hero?

GROW consists of a design-based light recipe which shines vertically across 20,000m2 of farmland with leek (Allium porrum). You experience the artwork as ‘dancing lights’ across the huge agricultural field. The light is poetic, and inspired by photobiology light science technologies which have shown that certain recipes of blue, red, and ultraviolet light can enhance plant growth and reduce the use of pesticides by up to 50%.

The film GROW shows the development of this luminous dreamscape and how the beauty of light can help plants. It is also a call for enlightenment during these dark times. GROW can be good for nature but also sends hopeful light to people. It gives a new meaning to the word ‘agri-culture’ by reframing the landscape as a living cultural artwork.

GROW is part of the artist-in-residence program of Rabobank. Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and experts developed GROW over two years, informed by expert knowledge sessions at Studio Roosegaarde, Wageningen University & Research, Springtij Forum, and the World Economic Forum in Davos. It is the first in a series of dreamscapes by Studio Roosegaarde which show the beauty of combining art and science to create a better world.

Wiebe Draijer, Chairman of the Managing Board, Rabobank: “It is really inspiring to work with an artist like Daan Roosegaarde on how to grow a better world together.”

Daan Roosegaarde: "GROW is the dreamscape which shows the beauty of light and sustainability. Not as a utopia but as a protopia, improving step by step.”

Prof. Dr. Wargent, PhD, Chief Science Officer at BioLumic, world leading expert in plant photobiology: “The project GROW is a fascinating project and supported by scientific research which shows specific light recipes can enhance growth and reduce pesticide use up to 50%.”


The latest project from Studio Roosengaarde is one of of a series to be called Dreamscapes, which look to “make the farmer the hero,” and celebrate the fields that grow our life-sustaining food with a combination of art and science.
The leek field (Allium porrum) is unassuming by day. The latest project from Studio Roosengaarde is one of of a series to be called Dreamscapes, which look to “make the farmer the hero,” and celebrate the fields that grow our life-sustaining food with a combination of art and science. Source:
GROW highlights the importance of innovation in the agriculture system.
Most of the time we hardly notice the huge areas of the Earth which are literally feeding us. GROW highlights the importance of innovation in the agriculture system. Source:
How can we make the farmer the hero?
How can cutting-edge light design help plants to grow more sustainably? How can we make the farmer the hero? Source:
You experience the artwork as ‘dancing lights’ across the huge agricultural field.
GROW consists of a design-based light recipe which shines vertically across 20,000m2 of farmland with leek (Allium porrum). You experience the artwork as ‘dancing lights’ across the huge agricultural field. Source:
and inspired by photobiology light science technologies which have shown that certain recipes of blue, red, and ultraviolet light can enhance plant growth and reduce the use of pesticides by up to 50%.
The light is poetic, and inspired by photobiology light science technologies which have shown that certain recipes of blue, red, and ultraviolet light can enhance plant growth and reduce the use of pesticides by up to 50%. Source:
GROW can be good for nature but also sends hopeful light to people. It gives a new meaning to the word ‘agri-culture’ by reframing the landscape as a living cultural artwork.
The film GROW shows the development of this luminous dreamscape and how the beauty of light can help plants. GROW can be good for nature but also sends hopeful light to people. It gives a new meaning to the word ‘agri-culture’ by reframing the landscape as a living cultural artwork. Source:
Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and experts developed GROW over two years, informed by expert knowledge sessions at Studio Roosegaarde, Wageningen University & Research, Springtij Forum, and the World Economic Forum in Davos.
GROW is part of the artist-in-residence program of the Rabobank. Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and experts developed GROW over two years, informed by expert knowledge sessions at Studio Roosegaarde, Wageningen University & Research, Springtij Forum, and the World Economic Forum in Davos. Source:
Wiebe Draijer, Chairman of the Managing Board, Rabobank: “It is really inspiring to work with an artist like Daan Roosegaarde on how to grow a better world together.”
It is the first in a series of dreamscapes by Studio Roosegaarde which show the beauty of combining art and science to create a better world. Wiebe Draijer, Chairman of the Managing Board, Rabobank: “It is really inspiring to work with an artist like Daan Roosegaarde on how to grow a better world together.” Source:
Artist Daan Roosegaarde: “GROW is the dreamscape which shows the beauty of light and sustainability. Not as a utopia but as a protopia, improving step by step.” Source:
“The project GROW is a fascinating project and supported by scientific research which shows specific light recipes can enhance growth and reduce pesticide use up to 50%.”
Prof. Dr. Wargent, PhD, Chief Science Officer at BioLumic, world leading expert in plant photobiology: “The project GROW is a fascinating project and supported by scientific research which shows specific light recipes can enhance growth and reduce pesticide use up to 50%.” Source:
20,000m2 agricultural field with four systems of light recipes on solar batteries for exhibitions worldwide.
Specifications: 20,000m2 agricultural field with four systems of light recipes on solar batteries for exhibitions worldwide. Source:
This way GROW is in balance with the environment. With special thanks to Wageningen University & Research, BioLumic and MediaMonks. Photography by Ruben Hamelink and Daan Roosegaarde.
GROW is precision lighting, focussed horizontally in a controlled area, which can extend the sunlight for a short time and can only be seen from nearby. This way GROW is in balance with the environment. With special thanks to Wageningen University & Research, BioLumic and MediaMonks. Photography by Ruben Hamelink and Daan Roosegaarde. Source:
Artistic agriculture GROW by Roosegaarde at World Economic Forum 20,000m2 GROW to highlight and help sustainable agriculture by Daan Roosegaarde. Source: Facebook/WorldEconomicForum

20,000m2 GROW by Roosegaarde highlights the beauty of agriculture. [Official Movie]

Daan Roosegaarde’s latest artwork GROW is an homage to the beauty of agriculture. In the world film premiere GROW appears as a 20,000m2 luminous dreamscape of red and blue waves of light over an enormous field. GROW is inspired by scientific light recipes which improve plants’ growth and resilience.

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