Great parents let their kids be bored. And that’s a good thing.

Did you know that you may very well be doing your child a favour by letting him or her do nothing?

Do you remember that feeling of boredom, when you were a kid?  I sure do. And I didn’t like it. But… the good thing is that – as far as I recall – it never lasted very long.  And not because I got my iPhone out to play a game or chat with some friends (the smartphone was about minus 30 years when I was a kid), but because I usually came up with something else to do. 

But nowadays it becomes harder for kids to simply experience what ‘boredom’ actually means. That sounds like a good thing, but it’s not. 

Want to be a great parent? Let your children be bored Want to be a great parent? Let your children be bored Source: None

We don’t actually need research to substantiate that kids don’t get that many chances at being bored anymore. Just look at us adults. Every waking moment, we have that tiny little screen in the palm of our hand. Sure, we can put it away. But TBH it is my reflex when I’m in a meeting and there’s a break, I immediately dive into my smart phone ‘twilight zone’. 

Of course it's great fun playing games on tablets, but it's a pity when we loose the ability to just be, rather than always having to be... entertained.
Of course it’s great fun playing games on tablets, but it’s a pity when we loose the ability to just be, rather than always having to be… entertained. Source: Flickr CC Intel Free Press

Are you bored? Congratulations!

Research has shown that being bored – both for adults as kids – stimulates our creativity. It stimulates a part of the brain that we hardly tend to use any more. Digg into our memory for example, contemplate about a specific situation that’s worth some deep thinking, look around and find something at hand to entertain ourself with. Or simply experience what it’s like to just do nothing…


– World Economic Forum

Learn more about the virtues of boredom

It's about kids, but believe me, it's a great read for adults too.

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