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A big day on Bali: 12,500 people just took part in Bali’s Biggest Beach Cleanup

Bali’s locals, tourists, businesses and organisations came together to clean-up the island in a single day!

BALI, 15 February 2020: 12.500 People took part in 4th Bali’s Biggest Clean-Up

For the fourth year in a row ONE ISLAND ONE VOICE rallied and organised the annual Bali’s Biggest Clean Up. This has become a really iconic day many look forward to. This year’s cleanup was the first since Bali’s single-use disposable plastic ban.

Source: Oneislandonevoice
“This year is the first time since the ban of plastic bags, straws and Styrofoam packaging - so you can imagine we were super interested to see what data we collect.”
First cleanup since Bali’s plastic ban. “This year is the first time since the ban of plastic bags, straws and Styrofoam packaging – so you can imagine we were super interested to see what data we collect.” Source: Oneislandonevoice
The piece was created from 1200 flip-flops, 240 toothpaste containers, 330 styrofoam pieces, 400 plastic straws, 37 PET-bottles and 310 plastic spoons and forks!
Artist Liina Klauss supported the campaign with an impressive artwork The piece was created from 1200 flip-flops, 240 toothpaste containers, 330 styrofoam pieces, 400 plastic straws, 37 PET-bottles and 310 plastic spoons and forks! Source: Oneislandonevoice
followed by the “Clean Seminyak” clean-up with 1000 participants organised by Potato Head, W Hotel, Oberoi, The Legian, Upasha, FPS Seminyak and many others..
The biggest clean-up location this year happened in Serangan, just outside of Denpasar hosted by “Serangan Bebas Plastik” with 2830 participants, followed by the “Clean Seminyak” clean-up with 1000 participants organised by Potato Head, W Hotel, Oberoi, The Legian, Upasha, FPS Seminyak and many others.. Source: Oneislandonevoice

The Breakdown of this years Big Beach Cleanup

Thanks to partners who now for the fourth year in a row have led the evaluation of the collected waste during the annual event: MAKING OCEANS PLASTIC FREE is focused on breaking plastic habits: the number one reason for the plastic pollution of our oceans.


20.000kg = 20 tons collected in one day across Bali


  1. Plastic food packaging
  2. Cigarette butts
  3. Plastic bottles and cups


  • Plastic Food Wrappings: 20%
  • Cigarette Butts: 17%
  • Plastic Bottles and Cups: 16%
  • Straws: 11%
  • Other Plastic: 11%
  • Plastic Bags: 9% (down from 15% last year)
  • Other: 6%
  • Glass: 5%
  • Shoes: 3%
  • Fishing Gear: 1%
  • Cans: 1%

“Clean-Ups are just tools of awareness but this event also shows how strong we are when we come together.” — One Island One Voice

The amount of plastic bags decreased from 15% last year to 9% this year. Source: Oneislandonevoice

One Island One Voice: People Power

One Island One Voice is a Bali-based network of organizations active in the field of waste prevention and management. We have a Komitmen (sic) for businesses to change their plastic behaviors and provide options for local alternatives. We host record breaking actions from clean ups to Human Waves. We are People Power.”

“A BIG THANK YOU to all coordinators, participants and partners who made this day possible! The sponsorship of Aqua has raised a lot of questions, comments, support, critics and we are pleased to receive everybody’s opinion. We strongly believe that the time for pointing fingers and shaming is over and that we should use the time left for collaborations and impact with all levels whether its government, private sectors, scientists, activists or NGO’s. We need all hands on board. So to all our friends who helped sponsor in one way or another, we could not have done this without your ongoing support; THANK YOU.”

“In 2015 during our first annual clean up we only received 12 surveys after the clean up (12,000 people) this year over 50% of coordinators sent in their surveys which allow us to generate much more accurate results.”
Making Oceans Plastic Free helped again this year to evaluate the collected waste. “In 2015 during our first annual clean up we only received 12 surveys after the clean up (12,000 people) this year over 50% of coordinators sent in their surveys which allow us to generate much more accurate results.” Source: Oneislandonevoice
Coordinators are individuals, groups of friends, or businesses that want to take lead in organising a clean up in their local area. This year, our youngest coordinators were 10 years old!
Age is no barrier to responsibility. Coordinators are individuals, groups of friends, or businesses that want to take lead in organising a clean up in their local area. This year, our youngest coordinators were 10 years old! Source: Oneislandonevoice
“12.500 people joined in 115 locations on the island and collected 20 tons of un-organic trash that would have ended up in the ocean, rice fields, and rivers.” — One Island One Voice
Joint effort. “12.500 people joined in 115 locations on the island and collected 20 tons of un-organic trash that would have ended up in the ocean, rice fields, and rivers.” — One Island One Voice Source: Oneislandonevoice
The problem won’t get solved unless we all get involved! Source: Oneislandonevoice
20 tons of trash collected in one day across Bali Source: Oneislandonevoice
Over the past 4 years the movement has gathered 45,000 people in 325 locations & prevented 135 tons of plastic from entering the oceans.
Bali beach clean up works. Over the past 4 years the movement has gathered 45,000 people in 325 locations & prevented 135 tons of plastic from entering the oceans. Source: One Island, One Voice


From teabags to toothpaste tubes, the menace of plastic is everywhere, but there are more ecological options out there. Check out these 14 cleaner, greener alternatives to plastic.

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