Source: Facebook/UnfadingAdornments

6-year-old designs custom T-shirt with the most uplifting message for his first day back at school

Sometimes all a person needs is one friend so they won’t feel alone, and 6-year-old Blake Rajahn is going out of his way to make sure new kids feel welcome in an example even adults can learn from.

Because sometimes everyone needs a friend

When 6-year-old Blake Rajahn arrives at his first grade classroom this term, he will arrive wearing an uplifting a message on his T-shirt for his fellow students. Blake’s mother, Nikki Rajahn, who runs a custom personalisation business in Fayette County, Georgia, asked her son what kind of t-shirt he wanted for his first day of school. He could have chosen anything at all, but Blake chose something unexpected—an orange t-shirt with a simple, kind message for the other kids at his school to see. Five little words that might just mean the world to someone who reads them. "I will be your friend."

‘I have to brag on my son. I told him that as a back to school gift, I will make him any shirt he would like. It could have anything- a basketball theme, football, etc. which are all his favorites. He thought a while and said,
Blake’s proud mom Nikki posted to Facebook: ‘I have to brag on my son. I told him that as a back to school gift, I will make him any shirt he would like. It could have anything- a basketball theme, football, etc. which are all his favorites. He thought a while and said, “will you please make me a shirt that says ‘I will be your friend” for all the kids who need a friend to know that I am here for them?” Never underestimate your kid’s heart for others! I love my sweet Blake!’ #stopbullying Source: Facebook/UnfadingAdornments

“Now more and more people are going to have more and more friends!“

Apparently this kind of behaviour is not unusual for Blake. "He has always had a heart for others and is very genuine," his Mom Nikki told Upworthy. She said she is donating part of the proceeds of her t-shirt sales to the Real Life Center, a non-profit that helps families in need in Tyrone, Georgia, all because of Blake. 

Nikki said everyone has been very encouraging and people are starting to order their own version of the t-shirt with "#blakesfriends" added to it.

She also shared Blake’s reaction to hearing that his shirt idea was starting to spread on Facebook—and again, it’s just the sweetest thing.

"Ever since I posted about my son and his shirt, I have sold some and told Blake about it. He said, "Oh good! Now more and more people are going to have more and more friends!" He is just so flattered so many want to be his twin too 😊"

Sometimes all a person needs is one friend so they won’t feel alone, and Blake going out of his way to make sure kids feel welcomed by him is an example even adults can learn from. 

If everybody became willing to reach out to people who might be shy or who might feel excluded, and let them know in some small way that we are open to being friends, what a better world we could build.

Thank you, Blake, for reminding us that kindness is the key. 

Source: Upworthy

“Love ours!! Everybody asking where to get one!! Love the different colors too!! Need hats next!!”
Facebook user Debbie Hembee uploaded this photo of her new T-shirts with the comment: “Love ours!! Everybody asking where to get one!! Love the different colors too!! Need hats next!!” Source: Facebook/DebbieHembree

How to Welcome New People (With Pictures)

Welcoming new people into a group can add to its overall diversity and strength. Perhaps you are a member of an organisation, club or office and you’re looking to add new members to your team. You might also just be looking to expand your circle of friends and invite new people into the fold. Whatever your situation may be, you can welcome new people by creating a friendly and inclusive environment, inviting them to join you, and avoiding overwhelming or ignoring them. Here’s how.

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