Source: BrightVibes

ZiZo: Restaurant, art studio and store, run by people who are mentally challenged.

In Utrecht, the Netherlands, you can have lunch and shop at an amazing place that is run by differently-abled people. Their effort and kindness is an inspiration to all who visit.


ZiZo lies in the center of Utrecht, the Netherlands. It’s a unique initiative, being both a restaurant, art studio and a store, all run by people with mental disabilities.

ZiZo This initiative in the city center of Utrecht employs people with mental disabilities. Source: Facebook Brightvibes

The first of its kind

ZiZo opened its doors in 1993 and back then it was the first Dutch initiative to employ people with mental disabilities. The formula proved winning, as today there are many companies all over the country that provide learn-work opportunities for the mentally disabled.

At ZiZo’s kitchen Source: Facebook ZiZo

Restaurant, art studio, store

The initiative harbors a restaurant, where people make cakes, coffee and delicious meals, an art studio where scarfs and such are knitted, and other art is made and a store, where the art products are being sold.

It shows us the value and the abilities of people who aren’t always fully represented in the workforce. Their effort and kindness is an inspiration to all who visit.

Help your fellow human

There's nothing they can't do, but there are a couple of things you can do to help your mentally disabled fellow human.

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