Source: Pixabay/Alicia3690

The world’s reefs are unique — let’s do all we can to protect them

Did you know that the Great Barrier Reef is 2,300kms long? Or that 30% of all living marine animals spend some of their life on reefs?

The Great Barrier Reef can not become history!

The Great Barrier Reef is far more than a holiday destination. Off the coast of Australia, the reef is one of the great wonders of the world. The Reef has huge cultural and historical significance to Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who have lived harmoniously with the Reef for centuries. Protecting the Reef will ensure it can be enjoyed for centuries to come.

The great barrier reef is one of the great wonders of the world Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of Australia but belongs to everyone. Reefs all over the world are facing threats because of climate change. If we all act together we can save the reefs for future generations. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

Great Barrier Reef: Much more than a natural wonder

The Great Barrier Reef provides habitat and shelter for many species, including humans. Its structure protects the east-Australian coastline from powerful waves and tropical storms. The reef houses and feeds countless fish that humans eat. Without it, thousands of communities around the world would suffer from famine and malnutrition.

Earth’s Barometer The Reef is a barometer for the well-being of the whole planet. It is one of the first major ecosystems to suffer from the devastating effects of climate change and is a true indicator of the current state of the world. Protecting the Reef needs to be our priority.

The reef’s greatest threats The Great Barrier Reef is one of the first natural wonders to suffer from the direct impact of climate change. Poor water quality, caused by land-based runoff, and damage by crown of thorns starfish are making the reef even more vulnerable.

Climate change is the Great Barrier Reef’s biggest threat, causing rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and extreme weather events. The sequential mass coral bleaching we are witnessing on the Great Barrier Reef is the literal effect of climate change.

Ever increasing waste Tons of plastic waste end up in our ocean every year; smothering coral and killing wildlife. But it’s not the only form of waste devastating the reef. Sediment run off, which is of a result of agriculture, urban development and deforestation, ruins the reef’s water quality. This makes the reef more vulnerable to local stresses, like the crown-of-thorns starfish.

Apathy is the enemy Too many of us have responded to reef’s threats with apathy rather than action. While the dangers are real and immediate, there is hope. But it is critical that more of us start taking action now.


You can jump in the water and be inspired by the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, but the threats are major, real and immediate. If we respond now with action not apathy, there’s hope.
The actions of people across the planet will define the future of the Great Barrier Reef You can jump in the water and be inspired by the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, but the threats are major, real and immediate. If we respond now with action not apathy, there’s hope. Source: Pixabay/csharker

Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef: Building a global community

The threats to the Reef may seem unconquerable for many of us, but this is not true. While the kind of change needed is immense, unified action can get us there. If we choose to unite as a people-driven movement, as citizens, we can drive positive-change for the Reef and the planet.

The challenges that we face and how we deal with them will define our generation. Central to these challenges is the transition to renewable energy for all and the rapid reduction in the wasteful use of resources. Currently we only reuse 7% of all the materials extracted from the planet every year. 

However we are also the first generation in history where the entire human race can collaborate directly with each other. This digital fourth industrial revolution offers a way of better using our resources and organising ourselves in a way that might just save the Reef and our planet from our consumption. Citizens is a platform to encourage, display and mobilise cooperation around the world inspired by the Reef.

Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef is a new kind of organisation. They’re starting conversations and engaging people, innovators and communities from around the world in the future of the Reef. They use their voice and their platform to bring the world’s most innovative and inspiring ideas and actions to the table. 

We are the first generation in history that has the ability to connect behind a common purpose – imagine what we could do together. And you can get behind the cause by recruiting others, initiating or joining projects. The organisation say on their website “Remember, we’re not looking for Facebook likes, we want real action.”

Change has already begun Citizens of The Great Barrier Reef are not starting from zero. There are already hundreds of millions of committed individuals across the planet, involved in projects big and small. CitizensGBR bring these people together to form a community of citizens. Together, we will convince the world that a sustainable future is possible. If you want to play a part in saving nature’s most valuable treasure, claim your citizenship today. (See below for details)


Discover the people and projects that are already doing great things, big and small, to help save the reef and make our world a better place to live.
Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef Discover the people and projects that are already doing great things, big and small, to help save the reef and make our world a better place to live. Source:

Unite for the reef! Become a Citizen of the Great Barrier Reef!

Together, we can ease the pressures that the reef faces - but we need your support to do it. Because it’s only when we’re united as Citizens, that our individual actions can come together to make a real, physical impact on the Great Barrier Reef.

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