Source: Picture by Michiel de Gooijer

Why we need to buy more local or it’s bye, bye local

As consumers, we often prioritize convenience and cost when making purchasing decisions. However, buying from local stores that sell local products offers numerous benefits that extend beyond our individual transactions. By choosing to shop at these types of stores, we can support our local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and foster a sense of community.

Support local economy

When we buy from local stores that sell local products, we are supporting the businesses in our community. This, in turn, provides job opportunities for our friends and neighbors and keeps money circulating within the local economy. In contrast, when we buy from large, national chains or online retailers, a significant portion of our money goes towards supporting those businesses and their shareholders, rather than the people in our own community.

Better for our planet

In addition to supporting our local economy, shopping at local stores that sell local products also has a smaller environmental impact. Local stores tend to source their products from nearby suppliers, which reduces the amount of transportation required to get the products to the store. This means fewer carbon emissions from transportation and a smaller overall environmental footprint.

Source: Photo: Michiel de Gooijer

Better for our community

Furthermore, shopping at local stores allows us to form connections with the people in our community. We can get to know the store owners and the people who work there, and they can get to know us. This creates a sense of community and helps to build relationships within our neighborhoods.

Overall, buying from local stores that sell local products offers numerous benefits beyond the individual transactions. By choosing to support these types of businesses, we can help to strengthen our local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and foster a sense of community. So next time you’re making a purchasing decision, consider supporting a local store that sells local products. Your community will thank you.

9 Simple ways to buy local

There are tons of ways you can support your local businesses. We’ve put together some ideas and hacks to help you on your next shopping trip.

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