Source: BrightVibes

When children don’t look forward to the summer break…

If the only place some children have access to books and a guaranteed nutritious daily meal is at school, what happens during the summer holidays?

A brilliant initiative to address this important issue

Summer should be an exciting time for children to enjoy time with friends, a week at camp, a family vacation, or time at the pool. But for many children who receive free and reduced-price meals at school, summer can mean hunger. Just as learning does not end when school lets out, neither does a child’s need for good nutrition. First Book is a nonprofit social enterprise that provides books and essentials for education, including basic needs products and nonperishable food, to programs serving children in need. The Summer Food Service Program, administered by the Iowa Department of Education, provides nutritious meals and snacks to children in low-income areas during the summer months.

Sources:, summerfoodserviceprogram

First Book Impact – Davis County, Iowa Ensuring children from low-income families have access to books and nutritious meals throughout the summer break. Source: Facebook/FirstImpact

“I just wanted to feed hungry kids and failure was not an option.” – Stephanie Hawkins

Stephanie Hawkins had a big dream.

“I just wanted to feed hungry kids,” Hawkins said. And she would not rest until that dream became reality. Failure was not an option.

She knew it was a problem when she drove a school bus for the Davis County Community School District in southern Iowa. She knew it when she became a support services secretary. And when she became the district’s food service manager, she acted.

“I ran the point of sale at the elementary school during breakfasts and lunches, so I saw all these kids come through and I knew the ones that didn’t eat,” Hawkins said. “I thought, ‘if they aren’t eating now, how are they going to eat during the summer?’” 


Staff and volunteers converted an old school bus to accommodate summer lunch service for children at seven locations throughout the Davis County Community School District.
Meet up & eat up! Staff and volunteers converted an old school bus to accommodate summer lunch service for children at seven locations throughout the Davis County Community School District. Source:

One in five of Iowa’s children face hunger

The Davis County Community School District faces challenges similar to many Iowa school districts – a high poverty rate and wide-ranging transportation needs in a rural setting. Both are daunting where childhood nutrition in summer is concerned. Though residing in the nation’s bread basket, one in five of Iowa’s children face hunger and 90 percent of those receiving free and-reduced meals during the school year lose access to school sponsored meals during the summer. Solving the problem might seem more than one district could handle.

Stephanie Hawkins was not deterred. She sought the support of Superintendent Dan Maeder, and of Dan Roberts, head of district Transportation, Food Service and Maintenance. Administrative leadership coupled with a dedicated, skilled, enthusiastic staff and impressive network of volunteers all worked together to solve the summer meal problem.


Once summer arrives, the bus interior will be teaming with transportation and food service staff, and local school children during the Davis County Community School District summer food program.
For rural areas the bus meets many needs Once summer arrives, the bus interior will be teaming with transportation and food service staff, and local school children during the Davis County Community School District summer food program. Source:

One school, one community, one goal, the best that we can be

For three years and counting, the Davis County Community School District has run a highly successful summer food program. Last summer the district served 8,572 lunches at seven different locations to children who otherwise would not receive the nutrition they need. The district received a recognition award from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and was honored for its success.

Maeder describes the district as “a community that cares like no other and is exceptional at thinking about innovative ways to get things done.” The district’s motto: One school, one community, one goal, the best that we can be.

Executing a successful summer food program did not happen by accident or miraculous good luck. There’s a bread crumb trail that clearly illustrates how the district managed to provide summer meals to hungry children.


The United States Department of Agriculture bestowed the Davis County Community School District with an award recognising the district’s successful summer food program.
Award-winning program The United States Department of Agriculture bestowed the Davis County Community School District with an award recognising the district’s successful summer food program. Source:
Dan Roberts, head of Transportation, Food Service and Maintenance for the Davis County Community School District was instrumental in facilitating the success of the summer food program. Stephanie Hawkins had the inspiration to pursue the initiative for the Davis County Community School District.
Dan Roberts and Stephanie Hawkins with award Dan Roberts, head of Transportation, Food Service and Maintenance for the Davis County Community School District was instrumental in facilitating the success of the summer food program. Stephanie Hawkins had the inspiration to pursue the initiative for the Davis County Community School District. Source:

Persistence, ingenuity and teamwork paid off

Hawkins learned about summer food programs by attending the School Nutrition Association summer conference with her predecessor, and via trainings, directors’ meetings and updates. The district then proceeded with the application process and ultimately qualified through the Iowa Department of Education and the USDA.

“It was important to the Davis County School District to have emphasis on quality menus,” said Stephanie Dross, a nutrition consultant with the Iowa Department of Education. “They began by delivering food in SUVs to the sites. They were willing to transition and take baby steps and stick with it.” 

Hawkins continued to advocate for improvements in the summer meal delivery system. So with characteristic optimism, she requested a bona fide food truck.

“There were logistical and technical problems with keeping food warm in the vehicles,” Hawkins said. “I knew hot meals would draw the kids out to receive food. Dan Roberts then suggested converting an older school bus to meet our needs.” 

Once again, persistence, ingenuity and teamwork paid off. From the hands of district construction engineers, cooks, carpenters, bus drivers, office managers, administrators, teachers, welders, mechanics, and community volunteers emerged a totally transformed bus converted to a full-service kitchen on wheels, including a lunch counter where students could choose to dine inside.


Ann Feilmann, Chief of the Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services, presented a United States Department of Agriculture award to the staff responsible for the success of the summer food program at the Davis County Community School District.
The teams efforts have been acknowledged by the US Department of Agriculture Ann Feilmann, Chief of the Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services, presented a United States Department of Agriculture award to the staff responsible for the success of the summer food program at the Davis County Community School District. Source:

Is the summer food program an important program?

I say it’s like throwing out a net for kids who otherwise would not eat and who can receive better nutrition,” Hawkins said.

She recalls an experience from the first year of summer food service in Davis County. 

“It was a rainy day. Two little boys arrived at the meal site dripping wet. One boy said to the other, ‘Do you think they will feed us?’ The cook greeted them and asked how they were doing, and if they wanted to eat. The cook asked them if it had been a long time since breakfast. One boy said he did not have any breakfast. The other boy said he had breakfast, which was a chocolate bunny from his Easter basket. Now bear in mind, this is in summer. The boys took everything we offered and ate everything on their lunch tray. That is why we do what we do." 

(All images and details in this article are courtesy of the Iowa Department of Education. If you would like to know more about the program, click HERE to go direct to their website)


Top 10 Ways to Help Poor and Low Income People

Poor and low income families do not have enough clothing, food, education and healthcare. Being poor means being deprived economically, politically and socially. Instead of considering them as a project to help, view them as people to love and respect. Here are few suggestions to help poor and needy people.

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