
We CAN live in harmony with nature. This eco-community proves it

From circular water management and organic gardening to sustainable energy and ecosystem restoration: in one of the driest regions of Spain, off-grid project Sunseed Desert Technology proves that we can live in harmony with nature – no matter what the circumstances!

Combating desertification

Over 30 years ago, in the small Andalusian village of Los Molinos de Río Aguas, Harry Hart started a project to combat desertification. Since then, Sunseed Desert Technology has evolved into a vibrant international community where low-tech solutions to live sustainable and regenerative lives are being discovered and shared with the outside world. 

“We are a transientcommunity, which means nobody lives here permanently”, Agnieszka Soboń – who’s been living and working amongst the other twenty to thirty ‘Sunseeders’ for the last year and a half – explains. “We want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute to the sustainable solutions we’re experimenting with.”

By reusing water, minimising waste, eating a plant-based diet, growing organically, composting, using home-made natural care products, creating sustainable energy, restoring degraded land and many other things, Sunseed aims to make ecological progress every single day.
SunSeed Desert Community By reusing water, minimising waste, eating a plant-based diet, growing organically, composting, using home-made natural care products, creating sustainable energy, restoring degraded land and many other things, Sunseed aims to make ecological progress every single day. Source:

Stop talking, start doing

“Just getting a bamboo toothbrush is not going to solve climate change. We need to be proactive, mobilise and start creating systemic solutions."

“It’s our mission to empower the people that spend time at Sunseed”, Agnieszka says. “We want to help them realise that they can do something about the ecological challenges at hand. Because if the world needs one thing, it’s for us to stop waiting around for problems to be solved and start being proactive.”

This Spanish community lives in complete harmony with natureSource: Facebook / BrightVibes

Saving the water

Apart from finding new ways of regenerating the Earth and organising workshops and courses to share lessons learned, Sunseed is also very much involved in the local water fight. 

Agnieszka: “Due to intensive and industrial-scale farming, the water from our local aquifer is being taken almost four times faster than it can naturally refill itself.

“All our efforts to save the environment should start with the water. Because without water, there is no life.”

To put a stop to the overexploitation of natural resources, the eco-community organises a yearly Water Festival that brings like-minded souls together and raises funds for local campaign groups. “We want to show people that caring for the environment can also be fun”, Agnieszka says.  

Ofcourse the village uses sustainable energy.
Not living in the stone ages Ofcourse the village uses sustainable energy. Source:

Happy earth, happy people

In fact, the one thing everyone living at Sunseed has in common is that they don’t think of living sustainably as a matter of sacrifice. On the contrary. Agnieszka: “By taking care of the natural world, you start to feel less guilty and helpless about the challenges out there. Knowing that you’re no longer part of the problem, but in fact, are contributing to the solution, is one of the most powerful things there is. I can recommend it to everyone.”

If you are unsure if something is sustainable, ask yourself... can I do this forever?
A great reminder for us all If you are unsure if something is sustainable, ask yourself… can I do this forever? Source:
The community aims to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and - if there is no other option left - Recycle
The 5 R’s The community aims to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and – if there is no other option left – Recycle Source:

Behind the Change

We’ve created this story together with Nadine Maarhuis and Phil Veloso from Behind the Change. Follow them on Facebook to stay tuned!

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