
Feeling powerless about the plastic waste problem? Here are 9 ways you can help

Here are 9 bits of plastic you can quit right now to help in the fight against plastic pollution.

9 ways to help fight plastic waste

We all know plastic is terrible for our planet. You feel powerless to do something about it, right? Wrong! Here are 9 bits of plastic you can quit right now:

Nine bits of plastic you can quit today Nine bits of plastic you can quit today in the fight against plastic pollution. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

Chewing gum, shopping bags and bread bags are all a plastic menace

1. Chewing gum: Perhaps surprisingly, chewing gums are made with synthetic rubber, or polyvinyl acetate, a type of plastic. Try 100% natural Glee Gum or suck a mint.

2. Plastic shopping bags: Carry a reusable bag when you go shopping. There are literally hundreds of environmentally kinder alternatives to plastic shopping bags today. There’s really no excuse.

3. Plastic bread bags: carry a reusable breadbag instead.

Australian company, Onya, make reusable grocery and bread bags, helping to bring single-use plastic bag numbers down.
Plastic bread and grocery bags are a menace Australian company, Onya, make reusable grocery and bread bags, helping to bring single-use plastic bag numbers down. Source:

Plastic straws, ear buds, and toothbrushes could be obsolete if we all bought the green alternatives

4. Plastic Straws suck! Simply sip your drink or use eatable or biodegradable straws

5. Plastic Swabs: Most Cotton buds end up polluting our waters as they get flushed in the toilet. Use the bamboo alternative from Boobalou or GoBamboo

6. Plastic toothbrushes: Use a bamboo toothbrush instead (pictured). Find more information here.

Using a bamboo toothbrush in environmentally friendly packaging is another way to help fight plastic pollution.
DID YOU KNOW THAT WE USE 5 BILLION PLASTIC TOOTHBRUSHES EVERY YEAR?! Using a bamboo toothbrush in environmentally friendly packaging is another way to help fight plastic pollution. Source: TheBambooToothbrushSociety

As conscientious consumers we can make a difference

7. Sandwich wraps: use an alternative like Bee’s Wrap instead.

8. Bottled water: Drink from a tap or take a reusable bottle with you.

9. Coffee capsules: Avoid using difficult to recycle coffee capsules. Coffee from a percolator tastes great, and is very hipster!

All of these suggestions are doable. As conscientious consumers we can make a difference. What we buy makes a difference to what is produced. Buy less plastic and manufacturers will produce less plastic. Also, the effect we have on the environment is mitigated by purchasing greener products. We applaud companies like these who are offering the conscientious shopper an alternative to plastic.

After World War II, chemists learned to make synthetic rubber, which eventually replaced most natural rubber as a chewing gum base. Today the ubiquitous ingredient 'gum base' is label shorthand for an alphabet soup of potentially toxic ingredients.
Chewing gum contains a potentially toxic mishmash of ingredients After World War II, chemists learned to make synthetic rubber, which eventually replaced most natural rubber as a chewing gum base. Today the ubiquitous ingredient ‘gum base’ is label shorthand for an alphabet soup of potentially toxic ingredients. Source:

Think before you buy

REFUSE disposable plastic whenever and wherever possible. Choose items that are not packaged in plastic, and carry your own bags, containers and utensils. Say ‘no straw, please.’

REDUCE your plastic footprint. Cut down on your consumption of goods that contain excessive plastic packaging and parts. If it will leave behind plastic trash, don’t buy it.

REUSE durable, non-toxic straws, utensils, to-go containers, bottles, bags, and other everyday items. Choose glass, paper, stainless steel, wood, ceramic and bamboo over plastic.

RECYCLE what you can’t refuse, reduce or reuse. Pay attention to the entire life cycle of items you bring into your life, from source to manufacturing to distribution to disposal.

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