Source: Facebook/HenryIrizawa

Watch Ferry Passenger’s Stunning Footage of 200 Frolicking Dolphins

Ferry passengers were surprised by the sight of 200 Pacific white-sided dolphins speeding through the water.

“It was nothing like I had ever seen… 200 dolphins just having so much fun, jumping, racing.”

The day started off like any other ferry ride that Henry Irizawa has taken. He’s lived in Comox, Vancouver Island, for the past 10 years and was on what he thought was a regular Tuesday morning ferry ride to Horseshoe Bay — one that he’s done "at least 300 times."

About 40 minutes into the trip, Irizawa recalls the captain came on the PA system to announce a large pod of dolphins was swimming in front of the vessel. Irizawa rushed onto the deck and whipped out his phone to record the spectacle.

"I couldn’t believe it," he told CBC. “It was nothing like I had ever seen. Two hundred dolphins just having so much fun, jumping, racing." The dolphins hung around for a couple of minutes. "People around me couldn’t speak. It was so exciting."

Irizawa posted a video of the experience on Facebook, and, as of Wednesday afternoon, it had been viewed more than 100,000 times.


Passengers on a ferry between Nanaimo and Horseshoe Bay were treated to an incredible sight on Tuesday Escorted by 200 dolphins on the 8:25 am BC Ferry to Horseshoe Bay on my way to Rogers Arena. ‘Wow! — Henry Irizawa shot this amazing footage. Source: Facebook/HenryIrizawa


Adapting to life in the ocean required some serious skills for a mammal, so Dolphins have developed some incredible abilities that continue to amaze researchers. Check out these amazing superpowers.

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