Update: $100,000 reward for have-a-go hero who confronted armed killer

Bystander Ian Grillot was hailed as a hero for rushing to the aid of injured strangers. Now that courage has been handsomely rewarded.

Update! Ian's bravery rewarded with $100,000 gift In a heartwarming update to the tragic story, hero Ian Grillot's act of selflessness was rewarded by a huge cheque for $100,000 by the Indian American Community. Source: Facebook/NowThisNews
Hero wounded when he selflessly confronted a gunman who had already opened fireSource: Facebook BBC News

Gunman Adam Puritan, 51, has been charged with premeditated first-degree murder while the FBI are investigating a motive.
Gunman Adam Puritan Gunman Adam Puritan, 51, has been charged with premeditated first-degree murder while the FBI are investigating a motive. Source: bbc.co.uk

Courage and humility

Reports from the BBC say three men were wounded in a shooting at a crowded bar in Olathe, Kansas, last Wednesday night.  One of the men later died from his injuries. Friends Srinivas Kuchibhotla, and  Alok Madasani, are both 32 and Indian nationals. The two were engineers at US technology company Garmin, according to their social media profiles. The third injured man was local Ian Grillot, 24, who had rushed their aid when he thought the gunfire had ceased.

From left: Srinivas Kuchibhotla, who died; Alok Madasani, who was injured; and Ian Grillot, also injured. Source: ichef.bbci.co.uk

Suspect apprehended

Olathe Police Chief Steve Menke declined to comment on the reports of racial abuse and said his force was working with the FBI "to investigate any and all aspects of this horrific crime". However a bystander told the Kansas City Star that just before opening fire the gunman shouted: "Get out of my country."

The suspect allegedly fled on foot and was arrested five hours later at an Applebee’s restaurant just over the state border some 130km (80 miles) away in Clinton, Missouri. A staff member there alerted police that they had a customer who had admitted he had "killed two Middle Eastern men". Officers quickly arrived to detain the suspect.

The Indian external affairs ministry said two Indian consulate officials from Houston and Dallas have been sent to Kansas City to meet Mr Madasani and arrange the repatriation of Mr Kuchibhotla’s body, according to BBC reports.

Mr. Madasani and Mr. Grillot are recovering from their injuries.

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A Sociological Guide to Being an Anti-Racist: 9 things you can do at an individual and a social level to combat racism.

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