
This Busker Was Being Ignored By Everyone When 4 Kittens Sat Down To Watch The Show

The Feline Four took front row seats and politely listened to the Malaysian street performer’s act.

Kittens support street performer

Life as a street performer isn’t easy. Performing for passersby every night takes a lot of talent and confidence. Being rejected and ignored are all part of the grind. Same for this Malaysian busker who sang his heart out just to be ignored the whole night. Although nobody stood by and listened to him, he did catch the attention of an unlikely group of music lovers. As he was singing, four 3-month-old kittens sat and listened to him sing and play his guitar. They may be an unlikely audience, but they were the cutest and most supportive crowd any performer could ever have. Watch the video below.

Adorable video shows busker performing to group of kittens in Malaysia While they may not have contributed to his collection cup, the support of the Feline Four was welcomed by the busker when sang the rest of the song directly to his fury fans. Source: YouTube/SamiHussein
While the human population seemed to be ignoring this busker in Malaysia, these tiny stray kittens seemed to have an ear for music. Within moments, all four had sat down to listen to the street perfomer’s act.
The first audience members take their seats… While the human population seemed to be ignoring this busker in Malaysia, these tiny stray kittens seemed to have an ear for music. Within moments, all four had sat down to listen to the street perfomer’s act. Source:
The four stray kittens seem to have an ear for music, and the busker clearly appreciates their support.
Furry fans of street performance The four stray kittens seem to have an ear for music, and the busker clearly appreciates their support. Source:

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