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Top 10+ reasons to spend more time barefoot in nature

Grounding—or Earthing—is the practice of being in touch with the Earth literally, and going barefoot has many surprising and amazing health benefits.

Grounding the Body: The Healing Benefits of Earthing

In recent years there has been a marked increase in the number of people battling chronic diseases in the world. Research suggests the solution could be right under our feet. Grounding to the Earth’s electrical energy has been shown to have a variety of healing benefits.

Earthing may help combat the global increase in illness

Our planet, The Earth, could be compared to a gigantic battery, in that contains a natural and subtle electrical charge—a special kind of energy present in the ground. For safety and stability purposes, most things in the electrical world are connected to it, whether it is an electric power plant or an ordinary household refrigerator. That’s precisely what the term “grounded” or “earthed” means.

What you may be surprised to learn is that being grounded seems to apply equally to people. When you are electrically grounded, you feel:

  • Centred
  • Solid
  • Strong
  • Balanced
  • Less tense
  • Less stressed

Overall, you feel good. If you suffer pain, you have less of it, or perhaps none at all, when grounded.

Many people around the world today live with daily pain, constant stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. They can feel out-of-sorts—not centered, strong, or solid. Doctors often can’t find the cause and resort to prescribing medications that produce side effects like fatigue, poor mood, gastro-intestinal upset, and headaches.

There has been an increase in the number of people suffering from autoimmune diseases. Some 50 million people in the US are suffering from diseases including:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Lupus
  • Inflammatory bowel disorders
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Although researchers don’t know the specific causes behind the steep increases in a diversity of illnesses, some say it is because people are eating more unnatural foods than ever and that the ingredients in these foods could be harmful.

While certain lifestyle approaches such as meditation and yoga can help, there are limitations to their efficacy for many of these illnesses.


What is Earthing? If you like Earthing outdoors, there are products now that allow you to earth yourself indoors. Just plug them into the 3rd hole in your electrical socket, and this connects directly to the ground rod of your home. Source: YouTube/EarthingOriginal

The Earth is a conductor of free electrons and so are all living things on the planet, including us

Years of extensive research has shown that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy, by walking barefoot on grass, sand, dirt or rock can diminish chronic pain, fatigue and other ailments that plague so many people today.  

This connection is referred to as Earthing or Grounding. When your bare feet or skin comes in contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up into the body.  These electrons could be referred to as nature’s biggest antioxidants and help neutralise damaging excess free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease in the body.  

The Earth is a conductor of free electrons and so are all living things on the planet, including us. The body is composed of mostly of water and minerals which in combination are excellent conductors of electrons from the Earth providing there is direct skin contact or some other conductive channel for them to flow through. 

The Earth’s energy upgrades one’s physiology by allowing the body to cope and repair thereby promoting wellbeing, vitality and better sleep.  It also harmonises and stabilises the body’s basic biological rhythms, knocks down (and even knocks out) chronic inflammation and reduces and eliminates associated pain, making it the most natural and powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging remedy around!  

No matter what your age, gender, race or health status you will benefit from a daily dose of Earthing! 


  1. Defuse the cause of inflammation, and improve or eliminate the symptoms of many inflammation related disorders
  2. Reduce or eliminate chronic pain
  3. Improve Sleep and promote a deeper sleep 
Increase energy and vitality
  5. Lower stress and promote calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones
  6. Normalise the body’s biological rhythms
  7. Thin the blood and improve blood pressure and flow
Relieve muscle tension and headaches
  9. Lessen hormonal and menstrual symptoms
  10. Dramatically speeds healing time and can help prevent bedsores
  11. Reduce or eliminate jet lag 

  12. Protect the body against potentially health disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Accelerate recovery from intense athletic activity

Source: Barefoot

Throughout history humans walked, sat and slept on the ground, cultivated their land with bare hands and spent a lot of their time naturally grounded.  Today we have become increasingly disconnected from nature by our modern lifestyle. Conductive leather-soled shoes of our ancestors have been replaced with insulated rubber and plastics. We sleep in beds and homes off the ground. Plastics, synthetic fabrics, asphalt, tar, carpets, vinyl have all been introduced and block this natural connection.
In recent years we have literally insulated ourselves from the very earth we evolved on Throughout history humans walked, sat and slept on the ground, cultivated their land with bare hands and spent a lot of their time naturally grounded.  Today we have become increasingly disconnected from nature by our modern lifestyle. Conductive leather-soled shoes of our ancestors have been replaced with insulated rubber and plastics. We sleep in beds and homes off the ground. Plastics, synthetic fabrics, asphalt, tar, carpets, vinyl have all been introduced and block this natural connection. Source: Unsplash/AncaGabriela

Where did all start to go wrong? We are literally insulated from the Earth we evolved on

Throughout human history, we walked, sat and slept on the ground, cultivated the land with our bare hands and spent a lot of time naturally grounded.

However, today we have become increasingly disconnected from nature by our modern lifestyle. 

  • Conductive leather-soled shoes of our ancestors have been replaced with insulated rubber and plastics
  • We sleep in beds and homes off the ground
  • Plastics, synthetic fabrics, asphalt, tar, carpets, vinyl have all been introduced and block this natural connection. 

To add to this we are also bathed in a sea of un-natural man-made electronic radiation from household appliances, mobile phones, wi-fi, microwaves and cell towers, which bombard us continuously with excess free radical damage to our tissues and cells. 

The Earth’s energy helps to knock these excess free radicals down so that your body can heal and repair naturally, as it is meant to. 

Therefore, to remain in good health, it is imperative that we re-connect with this natural energy daily to counteract the damaging effects of our modern lifestyle.

Source: Barefoot

Down-to-Earth Documentary: the Science of GroundingSource: YouTube/Groundology

Other Ways to be Earthed, useful resources, Scientific Papers and suggested further reading

Other Ways to be Earthed:

  • Swim in the ocean or lakes
  • Garden with bare hands
  • Lay on the Earth
  • Hug a living tree
  • Lean up against a living tree
  • Sleep on the earth while camping
  • Wear natural leather-soled shoes instead of synthetic rubber/plastic shoe
Useful Resources, Scientific Papers and further suggested reading: 
If you’re interested in learning more about this subject, read any of the following:

1. Grounding after moderate eccentric contractions reduces muscle damage.

2. The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

3. The effect of grounding the human body on mood.

4. Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity-a major factor in cardiovascular disease

5. Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth’s surface 

6. The biologic effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress

7. BarefootHealing

8. Mercola: Grounding — A Simple, Pleasurable Way to Reduce Inflammation and Chronic Disease 

9. Groundology

10. Grounding the Human Body: The Healing Benefits of Earthing

9 Amazing Benefits to Grounding Grounding—or Earthing—is the practice of walking barefoot in nature, allowing you to absorb planet Earth's energy to optimise your well-being. Here are some amazing ways this practice can benefit your health. The video contains 9 benefits, but in our research for the article we kept finding more, so they are included below. Source: YouTube/Mercola

Here’s the bottom line: You have lost your electrical roots - How to Reconnect to the Earth

You’re disconnected, and this disconnection may be a seriously overlooked cause of human pain and discomfort and the steeply rising incidence of chronic illness worldwide. The good news is, you can reconnect. Weather and schedule permitting, go barefoot for a half-hour or so outside and see what a difference that makes on your pain or stress level. Sit, stand, or walk on soil, grass, sand, or concrete. These are all conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth’s energy. Learn more...

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