
This restaurant is more than just a hip health food hangout — it’s a socially conscious enterprise

Amsterdam’s Restaurant Freud is a truly socially-aware business providing training and purposeful employment to people with mild psychiatric and/or addiction issues, supporting them back into the workforce.

Restaurant Freud: supporting people back into the workforce while providing excellent dining

There is a restaurant in Amsterdam that stands for organic, healthy and sustainably-sourced food, but that’s not all — Restaurant Freud employs a 70-strong staff who have all suffered from psychiatric and/or addiction issues. With a positive and attentive attitude, and on the-the-job professional training, they work in the restaurant in order to build towards their futures. 

Restaurant Freud is possibly one of the most conscious businesses in Amsterdam ‘A truly socially aware enterprise, that focuses on delivering exciting and interesting meals using sustainably produced ingredients.’ — Conscious Travel Guide Source: YouTube/Roads

Diners at Freud have the peace of mind that their patronage is contributing to the future of others

Located in the up and coming Spaarndammerbuurt district of Amsterdam, the spacious and cleverly designed Restaurant Freud is an incredibly progressive business. The restaurant is a social business that provides people with mild psychiatric and/or addiction issues with purposeful employment and on-the-job professional training.

Through active participation and contributing to the day-to-day operation of a successful business, the employees are building a future for themselves by gaining useful experience and skills. It’s an opportunity they may not have received elsewhere due to their background or situation.

The restaurant opened its doors 2007 and has built an excellent reputation for incredibly high quality meals and excellent value for money. What’s more, it’s a place that gives its customers the peace of mind that their patronage is contributing to the future of others.

Restaurant Freud uses exclusively free-range meat, sustainably caught fish and organic vegetables as much as possible in their creative and beautifully presented dishes. Everything, down to the cakes and bonbons are made in house. Even the coffee, tea, wines and beer are selected following guidelines regarding sustainable, social and environmental practices.

The Conscious Travel Guide writes — ‘Restaurant Freud is consequently possibly one of THE most conscious businesses in Amsterdam. It gets our full support and highest recommendations for an excellent dining experience that gives back to the world on all fronts. You’d be mad not to go.’

Restaurant Freud scores consistently high points with diners on TripAdvisor.

Source: ConsciousTravelGuide 

Restaurant Freud is a social organisation who offers those individuals trying to reintegrate into the workforce meaningful employment and training opportunities to prepare for the future.
On-the-job training Restaurant Freud is a social organisation who offers those individuals trying to reintegrate into the workforce meaningful employment and training opportunities to prepare for the future. Source:

Restaurant Freud scored high marks with the conscious travel guide

The Conscious Travel Guide awarded Restaurant Freud the highest conscious human rating due to their concept of employing people with psychiatric and/or addiction related problems and giving them a chance to build on their future. 

Furthermore, they get the highest conscious rating for animals due to their exclusive use of free range and sustainably produced meat and fish. The only reason Restaurant Freud didn’t get the highest rating for the environment is because at the time of publication, the Guide did not have any information on how sustainably they operate their business in regards to energy use, recycling etc.

The Conscious Travel Guide is the online travel guide for the conscious urban traveller.

Source: ConsciousTravelGuide

Restaurant Freud uses exclusively free-range meat, sustainably caught fish and organic vegetables as much as possible in their creative and beautifully presented dishes. Even the coffee, tea, wines and beer are selected following guidelines regarding sustainable, social and environmental practices.
Everything down to the cakes and bonbons are made in house Restaurant Freud uses exclusively free-range meat, sustainably caught fish and organic vegetables as much as possible in their creative and beautifully presented dishes. Even the coffee, tea, wines and beer are selected following guidelines regarding sustainable, social and environmental practices. Source: Facebook/RestaurantFreud
The menu at Restaurant Freud is based on a Mediterranean Cuisine with influences from the Middle East.
All products used are seasonal and fresh The menu at Restaurant Freud is based on a Mediterranean Cuisine with influences from the Middle East. Source: None

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