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This humble garden shed in Wales is giving a helping hand to limbless children around the world

Inventor Stephen Davies is literally ‘Giving a Hand’ to children worldwide by making ultra-cool, super-cheap, state-of-the-art, 3D-printed prosthetic arms — all from inside this 8’ x 6’ garden shed.

Let’s give a big hand for this small shed

Stephen Davies’ shed near Swansea is the centre of operations for Team UnLimbited, where he has developed and built a 3D printing operation to make prosthetic arms and hands. They are provided free to children across the country and the open-sourced designs are used around the world.

Inside this ordinary-looking shed is a state-of-the-art 3D printing workshop Inventor behind the project, Stephen Davies, was himself born without a left lower arm and never forgot the stigma of the clunky and awkward NHS-issue (National Health Service) prosthetic he wore as a child. Source: Facebook/Channel4

Some of the more sophisticated bionic arms today can cost upwards of £30,000

To the casual observer, it would appear to be the most ordinary of common garden sheds. But hidden inside is a state-of-the-art workshop where a genius inventor makes prosthetic arms to help dozens of children. 

Designer Stephen Davies was himself born without a left lower arm, and remembers well the stigma of the clunky NHS-issue prosthetic he wore as a child.

After several years of not using them, the 43-year-old began to look at the designs which are currently available on the NHS (National Health Service), only to discover they had barely improved in the 30+ years since his own childhood experiences.

Some of the more sophisticated modern bionic arms, which are not available on the NHS, can cost upwards of £30,000 (€34,100/$40,740). If a child outgrows their prosthetic as fast as they outgrow their shoes, Stephen realised there needs to be an alternative solution.

Having learned that much lighter limbs could be created on a 3D printer, Stephen began to experiment in his garden shed. 

He soon set up Team UnLimbitedwhich creates customised ‘cool’ limbs for children, featuring their choice of colour and pattern.
The father of three said: "We’ve done Iron Man designs, Harry Potter, Lego and Spider-Man. The key is making something the child actually wants to wear and feels is cool enough to show their friends."

To view a photo gallery of dozens of happy recipients of Stephen’s designs, CLICK HERE!

Source & Main Image: DailyMail

Stephen Davies, pictured here with one of the limbs created in his shed.
“It makes a huge difference to children’s confidence,” Stephen Davies, pictured here with one of the limbs created in his shed. Source: DailyMail

Team UnLimbited: make a donation

100% of your donation will go towards building a device for a recipient or towards funding R&D projects to benefit recipients and be shared as open source for the non-commercial benefit of everyone around the world.

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