Source: Twitter/Kevin Scott

There’s a ‘Phantom Planter’ in Northern Ireland on a mission to cover the province in trees

Anonymous environmental super hero who has been planting trees under the cover of darkness for years says his main aim is to get people to fall in love with nature.

Belfast’s ‘Phantom Planter’ Is on a mission to cover Northern Ireland with trees

In housing estates across Belfast, in community gardens, and even in the Mourne Mountains, trees have been magically materialising overnight. Back in January, the Belfast Telegraph was able to reveal that a mysterious figure, an environmental superhero who calls himself the ‘Phantom Planter’, is responsible for the phenomenon. Usually arriving at a predetermined location unannounced, the Belfast man and his secret mission has, unsurprisingly, attracted attention; and he is now enjoying a cult following for his superhuman efforts at what he calls "Environmental Graffiti".

The Phantom Planter in the Ballybeen estate, Dundonald.
“I suppose in my own way I’m trying to save lives.“ The Phantom Planter in the Ballybeen estate, Dundonald. Source: Belfast Telegraph

“It’s green graffiti, but all with the purpose of making the world a better place.”

He could turn up anywhere there’s a plot of open land, but in January, the Belfast Telegraph tracked down the masked crusader to Dundonald, County Down, where another of his planting exploits were taking root.

While not exactly a caped crusader, the mystery man prefers to keep his identity a secret for now.

"Yes, there might be a bit of mystery to it, but if that’s what it takes to get the message out there then no problem, I’ll carry on being the Phantom Planter," he told the Belfast Telegraph"I suppose in my own way I’m trying to save lives.”

"Some might see it as a bit of mischief and it does give you a buzz, but there are worse things I could be doing. The main aim is to get people to fall in love with nature. It makes people happy, it makes me happy.

"I’ve been planting trees for years, but now it’s taken on a life of its own. I want to get people motivated to look after their own areas and what I’ve been trying to do is starting to get attention, and that’s great.

"It’s about doing a bit of good for the community. It’s green graffiti, but all with the purpose of making the world a better place.”

Source: BelfastTelegraph

The Phantom Planter with members of the local Men’s Shed, and one of his trees planted in the Mournes. “Today we’ve had the first tree planted in a long-term project for the community,” said Ballybeen Men’s Motivational Group trustee Mark Brotherston. “As a group we have plans to work with our local special needs schools at Longstone and Tor Bank for further planting and regeneration. This has given us all a real incentive.” Source: BelfastTelegraph

he’s lost count of how many new trees he’s planted across Northern Ireland

In an exclusive interview in January, The Phantom Planter told the Belfast Telegraph, "I planted my first tree with my own kids five years ago. We go back and pick the apples. It’s important kids today learn where their food comes from, that trees can give them fruit for years to come, that we can all do a little bit to heal the world we live in.

"Thankfully, most of the councils have left the trees alone. The residents too have embraced them. Some have added their own flowers around them. If there’s a green space, I’ll try to stick a tree in it, and I’d love more people to adopt that spirit."

He admitted he’s lost count of how many new trees are growing across Northern Ireland thanks to his efforts.

"I’ve planted thousands," he said. "I’ve been secretly planting in the Mournes where it’s one of my goals to ‘guerrilla plant’ my own forest, all native trees to the area. Another 50 went in there at the start of December. Around east Belfast I’ve planted apple trees, Blood of the Boyne. It seems like people appreciate the name and not one of them has been damaged! I‘ll try to breed a new variety of apples and call them Michael Collins. Those will go in around west Belfast!"

Source: BelfastTelegraph 

“I don't want to cause any problems, but the feeling I get planting trees is wonderful. It always makes me smile, charges my soul and keeps my head in a good place.“
“If there’s ever a problem, I have no issue removing a tree and placing it somewhere else.” — “I don’t want to cause any problems, but the feeling I get planting trees is wonderful. It always makes me smile, charges my soul and keeps my head in a good place.“ Source: Twitter/Kevin Scott

“It’s important that kids get in touch with the world around them too…”

The eco warrior said he never thought he’d get such enjoyment from nature before reinventing his life. "I’ve spent my life as a wheeler dealer, a ‘Del Boy’ around the city. I got into bad habits, I was overweight and the bad side of life was taking me over.

"You could say I had a spiritual awakening. I live in a caravan now, I live off the land as much as I can. I don’t drink any more. I do yoga and meditation and get in touch with nature. It’s important that kids get in touch with the world around them too. Sometimes people are taken aback when they see me turn up, but they quickly come round and get involved. I want people to engage with this. At the start I would have bought the trees myself, but now I have a network of people helping by supplying cuttings.

"If there’s ever a problem, I have no issue removing a tree and placing it somewhere else. I don’t want to cause any problems, but the feeling I get planting trees is wonderful. It always makes me smile, charges my soul and keeps my head in a good place.

"I challenge everyone to phantom plant a tree. Anywhere, any time, any place!" he said. 

Source: BelfastTelegraph 

“Buddhism is a beautiful way of life, it's brought me to a place no money ever could have bought and when your thoughts and actions are of benefit to the world in return the world and everything in it will benefit you. No one has ever became poor by giving. Love all equally without attachment. Be of service to your community and the world around you. It's not what life can give you it's what you can give life.“
“Buddhism has open my eyes and mind massively,” — The Phantom Planter. “Buddhism is a beautiful way of life, it’s brought me to a place no money ever could have bought and when your thoughts and actions are of benefit to the world in return the world and everything in it will benefit you. No one has ever became poor by giving. Love all equally without attachment. Be of service to your community and the world around you. It’s not what life can give you it’s what you can give life.“ Source: Facebook/ThePhantomPlanter

‘Safeguard the soul, it’s your greatest treasure’

‘Buddhism has open my eyes and mind massively, our world is a mess with greed and self gratification, all in a rush to go where? Buzzing around with no sense at all of the damage we are doing to our souls and our planet, Feeding our ego with meaningless crap which are of no benefit to anyone but our own selfish self.

He continues, Buddhism is a beautiful way of life, it’s brought me to a place no money ever could have bought and when your thoughts and actions are of benefit to the world in return the world and everything in it will benefit you. No one has ever became poor by giving. Love all equally without attachment. Be of service to your community and the world around you. It’s not what life can give you it’s what you can give life.

‘Thats what Buddhism has taught me.’

‘I hope I Inspire many people to change as Individuals, it’s not up to anyone else to change our world it’s up to us. Live morally and truthfully, Safeguard the soul, it’s your greatest treasure.’
Follow the exploits of The Phantom Planter on Facebook.

Source: Facebook/ThePhantomPlanter

“I challenge everyone to phantom plant a tree. Anywhere, any time, any place!” Source: Twitter/Kevin Scott
Get phantom planting! ‘I got messaged by the BBC about a month or 2 after I setup the Phantom Planter, I couldn't believe it to be honest, I really didnt think they would want to be promoting Phantom Planting! I believe if nature is made cool and trendy, make kids think they're getting up to mischief phantom planting our world can be transformed overnight, our health and well being will transform too.mNature has all the cures and all the answers, we substitute so much in life with fixes and desires, wants and lusts, when really all we're needing and missing is our reconnection to nature.’ Source: Facebook/ThePhantomPlanter


Guerilla Gardening is a type of nonviolent statement to bring about change in your community. It is just more accurately described by Wikipedia... "Guerrilla gardening is political gardening, a form of nonviolent direct action, primarily practiced by environmentalists. It is related to land rights, land reform, and permaculture. Activists take over ("squat") an abandoned piece of land which they do not own to grow crops or plants. Guerrilla gardeners believe in re-considering land ownership in order to reclaim land from perceived neglect or misuse and assign a new purpose to it." This is a guide to how to (hypothetically) plant your first guerilla tree and everything need in order to get it to a new (hypothetical) location. — Don’t get in trouble, and if you do, don’t blame us ?

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