Source: Facebook/TheDolphinSwimClub

The Dolphin Swim Club is a healing Virtual Reality experience like no other

This Dutch charity lets you immerse yourself in the world of wild dolphins, wherever you are! Without taking away their freedom!

Swim with dolphins while they stay in their own home

Just imagine yourself being surrounded by dolphins; above, below, behind, beside and in front of you through Virtual Reality. Simply put on your VR-goggles and headphones. Relax and enjoy their clicks and squeaks, feel them scanning you, and be part of their special acoustic vibrational universe. The dolphins are inviting you into their home!

VR dolphin therapy: assisting with pain, anxiety and depression This Dutch charity lets you swim with dolphins using Virtual Reality. Source: Facebook/WorldEconomicForum

“If only we could see each other through the eyes of a dolphin… “

The Dolphin Swim Club say that so-called dolphin-assisted therapies with captive dolphins are sadly a successful and booming industry, with more and more dolphins taken from the ocean, usually with the rest of their family killed before their eyes, in order to assist in therapies for humans. They thought to themselves; Let’s make a great alternative! 

Through the magic of 360°VR, the Dutch non-profit are able to offer the same experience, and the dolphins stay in their own home, the free oceans of the world. Where they belong! 

Medical researchers have embraced the project, and research with their footage is going on at Stanford University, California, Weil Cornell, NY and at UMCG, the Netherlands. 

So this could be a future medicine, affordable and available for a large group of people, everywhere! For the love of dolphins, for the love of people.

“If only we could see each other through the eyes of a dolphin, we could achieve world peace within a generation”. —  Marijke Sjollema, co-founder of The Dolphin Swim Club

Below, Marijke talks about the positive effects this virtual immersion can have on trauma, depression and a variety of other conditions.

Why wild dolphins in VR? Marijke Sjollema, co-founder of The Dolphin Swim Club, talks about the positive effects this virtual immersion can have on trauma, depression and a variety of other conditions. Source: Youtube/TheDolphinSwimClub

Swim with the dolphins for fun, meditation or healthcare

“The mission of The Dolphin Swim Club is to enable people to encounter one of ocean’s most enchanting creatures, the wild dolphin through virtual reality”.

The footage will be accessible to anyone on the planet, whether it’s for fun, meditation or healthcare purposes such as treating depression and anxiety disorders. As well as getting the message out that it’s more fun to swim with wild dolphins this way, than to see them in captivity. 

You’re invited in their own home, the free oceans of the world! LEARN MORE

Let’s recycle ocean plastic into waterproof VR Goggles! LEARN MORE

Visit the Dolphin Swim Club website to view amazing 360° footage, catch up on the latest news, shop or donate.

If you feel that this is a project that speaks to your heart?

The Dolphin Swim Club is a non-profit organisation dedicated to therapy within healthcare and research projects. Recycling ghost nets into Waterproof VR Googles. And most of all sharing the magic of wild dolphins in the free ocean with everyone! Please join us in this mission! Your donation is most welcome! Thanks! You’re Awesome! For the love of dolphins — For the love of people.

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