
Special bonds – the friendship between Eefje the Pig and Margarit the Person will warm your heart

We could write pages about the intelligence of pigs, but everything is said in this video as Margarit shares from her heart and experience about the creatures who live at The Noble Farm, and we witness the special bond that is possible between humans and animals.

The Noble Farm, where animals are loved and can live out their lives more naturally and with dignity

Deep in the lowlands of The Netherlands, in the heart of intensive livestock farming country, is De Nobele Hoeve (The Noble Farm). A magical place where the sunlight is filtered through dancing leaves, where the air is filled with happy songs and where all creatures large and small live out their natural lifespans, safe from the indignity of the factory farm and the inevitable horror of the slaughterhouse.

“I hope to show them that we can live with the animals while taking care of the earth and enjoying plant-based nutrition.”

Margarit hopes to inspire people to embrace a plant-based lifestyle. “I hope to show them that we can live with the animals while taking care of the earth and enjoying plant-based nutrition.” Source:

Margarit wants to send the message to the world that there is no difference between any animal

De Nobele Hoeve (The Noble Farm) has been in existence for 3 years. It’s a place for traumatised animals. Animals that have been through a lot and that can now enjoy the rest of their natural life in peace. 

In those 3 years, the farm has rescued, cared for, healed animals, and also had to let them go. With the animals that live there now,

Margarit Gerrits wants to send the message to the world that there is no difference between any animal. Every animal is an individual with its own individuality, and Margarit hopes to inspire people to embrace a plant-based lifestyle:

“I hope to show them that we can live with animals while taking care of the earth and enjoying plant-based nutrition. What I do here on a small scale is what I wish for the world on a large scale. It starts with one. One animal, one human, one plant and how they live together and are connected. And that exchange is central at De Nobele Hoeve. We are all ‘Earth-keepers’. As humanity, we can hurt a lot, but we can also create a lot of beautiful things. We can choose the good, the light, and use our time here on earth to serve, nurture, and protect.”

“The way other people love the dogs, that’s how I love my pig.” Source: Facebook/DeNobeleHoeve

Margarit says there’s no difference between this human and a dog, cow, chicken, pig or horse

”For me, it is now mainly about that message. That is why I have chosen not to accommodate more animals. In that case, De Nobele Hoeve is also less of a sanctuary. It mainly concerns the exchange between every individual animal that lives here and humans. To learn from these animals, so that we can see that there is no difference between this human and a dog, cow, chicken, pig or horse.

De Nobele Hoeve is set among the farms of North Brabant, where trucks full of pigs drive past every day. Of course, I die a bit with this science and this prestige, but because I know the way to the light, I know how to choose it. Every day again. I try to transform the suffering into love. 

In my little place here. I would prefer everyone in the world to go vegan today, but of course, I know that is not possible. So I am showing here how special each animal is, as an individual, in the hope that people will experience friendship, appreciation and admiration, and that will show that these creatures are not meant to eat, but to live with them.

I am the hammer, the rake and the inspiration. Family life, animals and this place are intertwined. I am a woman, mother of human and non-human children, grandmother and husband. There are a lot of caps and I learn to wear all those caps every day with even more love.”

—  Margarit Gerrits

De Nobele Hoeve (The Noble Farm) has been in existence for 3 years. It’s a place for traumatised animals. Animals that have been through a lot and that can now enjoy the rest of their natural life in peace and dig-nity (sorry, couldn’t help it).

These pigs dig their new digs. De Nobele Hoeve (The Noble Farm) has been in existence for 3 years. It’s a place for traumatised animals. Animals that have been through a lot and that can now enjoy the rest of their natural life in peace and dig-nity (sorry, couldn’t help it). Source: Facebook/denobelehoeve

5 REASONS TO BE PROVEG — from Proveg International

Many of the world’s most urgent problems share a common cause: our food choices. ProVeg is dedicated to raising awareness of how we can tackle these problems through diet.


1. HealthImprove your health

It is now widely accepted that a plant-based diet offers numerous benefits compared with a diet centred on animal products. While animal-based diets carry several health risks, a rich and varied plant-based diet can offer prevention and treatment of a host of modern lifestyle diseases, including some forms of cancer and hypertension. READ MORE

2. AnimalsA better life for animals

Whether it is pigs, cows, chickens, or fish, industrial farming methods cause suffering to countless animals, all of whom are sentient beings and have complex social lives. A plant-based diet minimises the number of animals who live in these conditions, and is easier than ever thanks to the increasing variety of meat and dairy substitutes available. READ MORE

3. EnvironmentSave the planet

A plant-based diet can have numerous positive effects on the environment, including the preservation of biodiversity, more sustainable use of resources, and combatting climate change. READ MORE

4. Justice: Help build a fairer world

As the world’s population expands, the question of how we can feed the world fairly and sustainably has never been more urgent. A plant-based diet can help to create a fairer world and a more sustainable food supply for all of us. READ MORE

5. Taste: Enjoy delicious food

With the wide variety of vegetables available and the increasing number of vegan and vegetarian products on the market, a plant-based diet can be delicious and satisfying. READ MORE

MORE PLANTS. LESS MEAT: TAKE THE 30-DAY CHALLENGE! Join the ProVeg Veggie Challenge and try eating more plant-based for 30 days. It’s better for your health, better for the planet and better for animals. Get a healthy start with your personal Challenge. ProVeg help you along the way with free tips, recipes and support.

Source: ProVeg

Special Bonds: Eefje & Margarit ? Eefje and Margarit -who runs an amazing animal farm sanctuary in the Netherlands ?? - have a very special bond ❤️. Margarit even sings her cute pig friend to sleep ? If Eeje and Margarit inspire you to also to eat less meat, or even become a vegan :-), then sign up for the free Veggie Challenge here:? Source: Challenge


Join the ProVeg Veggie Challenge and try eating more plant-based for 30 days. It’s better for your health, better for the planet and better for animals. Get a healthy start with your personal Challenge. ProVeg help you along the way with free tips, recipes and support.

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