Source: GoFundMe/GenerousJacob

Seven-year-old Essex boy’s backpack project for the homeless is proving to be a success

Generous Jacob Rabi-Laleh is raising funds and collecting supplies to give out to rough-sleepers during the cold weather.

Jacob’s backpacks for the homeless contain warm clothing, essentials and small comforts

Seven-year-old Jacob Rabi-Laleh, from Maldon, Essex, decided to spring into action after seeing a group of homeless people taking shelter in scaffolding in the southern English seaside city of Brighton during a visit. He is collecting blankets, cold weather gear, along with other supplies and small comforts and putting them in backpacks to hand out.

Jacob, 7, is doing something amazing for homeless people. An inspiration at any age, but for his tender years he displays incredible understanding and compassion for those less fortunate than himself. Source: Facebook/BBC

The project is growing as awareness and funds are raised and supplies collected

After becoming more and more concerned by the amount of homeless people he’d seen when visiting town centres in Essex and Sussex, and asking his parents endless questions about the well being of rough sleepers in the winter, Jacob went up to his bedroom and came down with a head full of ambition and a poster, which reads:

“Wanted: Backpacks, Blankets, Thick socks, Jumpers, Hats, gloves and scarves. Hello my name is Jacob and I would like to help the homeless because it is getting colder. I am going to pack bags to hand out. Please help by donating any items, Thank you.”

Jacob planned to kit out each back pack with everything he can to help make the recipients’ time on the streets just a little bit more comfortable, and sold toys at a garage/yard sale which raised more than £400 to purchase things like toiletries, energy bars and canned food. In just over a week Jacob received enough warm clothing to fill around 8 back packs, but after being featured in the local newspaper Jacob’s eyes lit up and he exclaimed "How amazing would it be if we could fill 50!"

To date, the GoFundMe campaign set up by Jacob’s Mum, Stephanie Bannister, has raised £3,450 of a £3,000 initial goal. ($4,658/€3,882 of a $4,050/€3,376 goal)

Follow Jacob’s journey @generousjacobrabilaleh on Instagram. Or @stephieandjacob on Twitter

Source: GoFundMe

After becoming more and more concerned by the amount of homeless people he’d seen when visiting town centres in Essex and Sussex, and asking his parents endless questions about the well being of rough sleepers in the winter, Jacob went up to his bedroom and came down with a head full of ambition and this poster.
Jacob’s appeal for backpacks and supplies After becoming more and more concerned by the amount of homeless people he’d seen when visiting town centres in Essex and Sussex, and asking his parents endless questions about the well being of rough sleepers in the winter, Jacob went up to his bedroom and came down with a head full of ambition and this poster. Source:
Seven-year-old Jacob Rabi-Laleh held a garage sale at his home to raise the last funds needed to pack and distribute rucksacks to the homeless.
The charitable youngster raised more than £400 from his garage sale for the homeless Seven-year-old Jacob Rabi-Laleh held a garage sale at his home to raise the last funds needed to pack and distribute rucksacks to the homeless. Source: MaldonAndBurnhamStandard

Generous Jacob's Back Pack Campaign – GoFundMe

The one thing missing is the back packs themselves. Jacob has been collecting more items to sell and will be doing another boot sale to hopefully raise enough money to purchase at least 10 large back packs, which he can begin to fill and pass on to the relevant homeless charities.<br /> If you are in a position to donate, however big or small, Jacob would like to raise at least £180 which is enough to buy backpacks, flasks, tins of food and energy bars for 10 people (but is hoping to get enough to help 50!)

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