Source: BrightVibes

Second Shot – Bringing people together to tackle homelessness one espresso at a time

Everything about this Coffee Café is designed to change lives, helping homeless people in an awesome way.

At Second Shot Coffee you can get incredible coffee, great food, and a unique atmosphere, and they just so happen to be changing lives. Watch the video below how it works.

Second Shot - Bringing people together to tackle homelessness one espresso at a timeSource: Facebook BrightVibes
They employ people who have been affected by homelessness, train them as top quality baristas, before transitioning them on to past or preferred employment. They are committed to taking their staff from where they are to where they deserve to be.
From where you are to where you deserve to be They employ people who have been affected by homelessness, train them as top quality baristas, before transitioning them on to past or preferred employment. They are committed to taking their staff from where they are to where they deserve to be. Source: Second Shot Coffee
They operate a pay it forward system. This is where customers can pre pay for food and drink, and later someone in need can receive the goods free of charge. When you buy a pay it forward at second shot, you can either draw on our pay it forward wall, or get 3 stamps on our loyalty card, drawing on our pay it forward wall, and then later someone in need can receive the goods free of charge.
Pay it Forward They operate a pay it forward system. This is where customers can pre pay for food and drink, and later someone in need can receive the goods free of charge. When you buy a pay it forward at second shot, you can either draw on our pay it forward wall, or get 3 stamps on our loyalty card, drawing on our pay it forward wall, and then later someone in need can receive the goods free of charge. Source: None

Not by choice

No one chooses to become homeless. A relationship breakdown, or losing your job, people that are homeless are victims of circumstance. The average person in the UK is just 2 pay checks away from becoming homeless.

117 families in Britain become homeless every day. 7581 people slept rough in London last year. Homelessness is the visible and measurable result of the tough economic battle we have been fighting. Second Shot is determined to be the vehicle that allows this vulnerable community of people to get back where they deserve to be.
Shocking UK Numbers 117 families in Britain become homeless every day. 7581 people slept rough in London last year. Homelessness is the visible and measurable result of the tough economic battle we have been fighting. Second Shot is determined to be the vehicle that allows this vulnerable community of people to get back where they deserve to be. Source: Flickr CC Jeffrey
As Second Shot Coffee is all about having a positive impact, the pastries and cakes are locally sourced from social enterprises.
Doing GOOD pastries As Second Shot Coffee is all about having a positive impact, the pastries and cakes are locally sourced from social enterprises. Source: Doing GOOD pastries & cakes

After regular opening hours, the cafe reopens as a hub for homelessness. They partner with charities such as Finest Foundation, Providence Row Housing Association, and Who is Hussain to provide food drives, give out their pay it forwards, as well as provide advisory services to the homeless.

Julius Ibrahim is the fresh-faced entrepreneur who wants your morning coffee to do more than just kick start your day. The 21-year-old student and social enterprise advocate’s project aims to get homeless people off the streets and behind the bar of your new favourite coffee haunt.
Driving Force Julias Ibrahim Julius Ibrahim is the fresh-faced entrepreneur who wants your morning coffee to do more than just kick start your day. The 21-year-old student and social enterprise advocate’s project aims to get homeless people off the streets and behind the bar of your new favourite coffee haunt.

“Londoners need to wake up and smell the coffee” says Ibrahim Julius. He is the 21 year old student and social entrepeneur who is the driving force behind Second Shot. “When I moved to London to study at UCL in 2013, I was shocked by the huge number of people on the streets,” he explains.

“Walking around somewhere in central London like Bloomsbury or Victoria, homelessness is hugely visible. I thought ‘how can this be the financial capital of the world, when there are so many people on the streets?’” Source: Second Shot Coffee founder Julias Ibrahim

Model Millennial

In our view Julias Ibrahim is a perfect example of the Millennial generation mindset. He is the living proof that this generations really cares about having a positive impact, doing something meaningful. And at the same time, do this through setting up a social enterprise as opposed to e.g. an NGO. In order for these type of businesses to succeed, the product or service they deliver must be just as good or better than the ‘regular corporate’ competitors. Ibrahim understands this better than no one. Hats off, hands down and RESPECT for him and his team. 

When in London, buy your coffee there!

Never underestimate the power of voting with our wallets. Let's fully support Second Shot. So when in London, go visit them and buy your shots there. The address: 475 Bethnal Green Rd, London E2 9QH, United Kingdom

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