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City honours the man who caught the internet’s attention for breaking up street fight

Peacemaker Ibn Ali Miller, honoured by Atlantic City Council for stopping a teenage street fight, credits his mother for his upbringing.

Hero honoured for his actions by the local council

A man who found himself in the spotlight for breaking up a street fight between two teenagers is once again being acclaimed online. Ibn Ali Miller, a 26-year-old man from Atlantic City in New Jersey, was honoured for his actions by the local council on Wednesday.

Source: BBC

Ibn Ali Miller breaks up fight between two teenage boys in local neighborhood Ibn Ali Miller of Atlantic City was on an errand for his mother when he saw two teenagers brawling in the middle of the street. Within days a video of the incident had gone viral and the 26-year-old married father of five was being hailed as a hero for having the courage to step in and stop the fight before the situation escalated. Source: Facebook/AJ+English

“I’m crying because this whole situation deeply saddens me.”

At the ceremony in his honour, Mr Miller tearfully said he grew up in the projects and whenever he got into trouble his mother would make him read as a punishment.

"She would make me read books and I’d get asked about a short story or a poem." He said. 

He also said he was upset because people were surprised that he had intervened in the fight. 

"I’m crying because this whole situation deeply saddens me. The fact that it’s unbelievable – this should be very believable, this should be a norm, this should be regular." Said Mr. Miller.

In another awe-inspiring testament to his character, Ibn Ali Miller gave an emotional  speech as he humbly passed all praise on to his mother, Sabrina Miller.
“People get 15 minutes of fame a lot and I would like to use every second of the 15 minutes to send gratitude to my mother.” In another awe-inspiring testament to his character, Ibn Ali Miller gave an emotional speech as he humbly passed all praise on to his mother, Sabrina Miller. Source: BBCi/AP

Mr. Miller’s speech to the council has been viewed by millions on Facebook

Watch the whole of Mr. Miller’s speech to the Atlantic City Council ceremony in his honour.

At the ceremony in Atlantic City, Mr Miller gave credit to his mother while choking back tears His emotional speech during the city council meeting has now been viewed by millions of people on Facebook. Source: Facebook/6abcActionNews

The whole incident was captured on a mobile phone

The whole incident was captured on a mobile phone, with a view to uploading the footage to social media. The video did go viral, but not for the reasons first thought. Watch below:

Ibn Ali Miller breaks up fight between two teenage boys in local neighborhood The whole incident was recorded on a mobile phone. This is the unedited footage. Source: Youtube/M.C. rush

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