
Rotterdam Is Greening With Street Full of ‘Plantar Poles’ Thanks to Engaged Residents

Thanks to concerned residents, Rotterdam is greening up with a street full of ‘Plantar Poles’.

Yes, you read it right… Rotterdam’s Van Der Tak Street no longer has lampposts, but ‘Plantar Poles‘ thanks to an initiative by local resident Matthijs Malkus.

Climbing plants and bee hotels

Together with his neighbours, he installed planters at the base of the lampposts, including netting for climbing plants. They also installed bee hotels.

They have designed special trays that fit perfectly around lampposts. And when maintenance of the lampposts is needed, the tray can easily be moved and replaced later.

Benefits of a greener city

The street now looks much livelier and greener and it contributes to the city’s biodiversity. It also helps keep the city cooler in summer. Moreover, it helped connect local residents who worked on and maintained the bins together.


Spreads like weeds (but in a good way)

Our friend Matthijs Jaspers, better known as The Happy Activist, posted a video about the initiative this week. This drew a tremendous response from all over the Netherlands to follow the wonderful example set by initiator Matthijs Malkus. This means a green light for Planter Posts across the Netherlands.

Get started yourself

Can you see this happening in your town or city? Then gather a few neighbours and get to work. It is also worth contacting your municipality, as more and more municipalities (at least in the Netherlands) have budgets available for neighbourhood initiatives that make the neighbourhood greener and cosier.


And keep an eye on the initiative’s website.

For more inspiration on how to creatively green our cities, check out this article on mini gardens around rubbish containers by CityGard. And we have plenty more inspriation for you.

This way, you can help bees too!

Bees are one of the most important insects for humans on earth. They are threatened by the use of pesticides, among other things. But don't despair; you can help bees by following the following tips.

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