Source: BrightVibes

Project Três: empowering vulnerable women in India

A social project currently being developed in India to create economically and environmentally sustainable communities for women in need.

Empowering women in India through job opportunities

PROJECT TRÊS is a social project currently being developed in India to create economically and environmentally sustainable communities for vulnerable women in need. The aim is to give women in vulnerable situations an opportunity to generate income through the creation of accessories, handmade from recycled materials.

What if one necklace could help change the world? By empowering and developing women's leadership through education and self-sustainability, Project Três helps them to become economically independent. Source: Facebook/BrightVibesAfrica

The aim is to create beautiful designs while maintaining environmental awareness

Project Três is an empowerment project based in India. They provide women in vulnerable situations an opportunity to generate income through the creation of accessories, handmade from recycled materials.

 It is widely known that India has problems regarding women’s rights, slave labor and environmental issues. 

Over 33% of the population lives under the poverty line and over 110,000 women suffer cruelty from their husbands and relatives every year. 

There are 1,000 victims of acid attacks annually, with almost 90% of the victims being women. 

Currently this project works with widowed, divorced, single mothers, along with with acid attack survivors. 

The materials they use for their accessories are found both in the immediate area where the project is based and from around the world. 

Their aim is to create beautiful designs while maintaining environmental awareness.

Source: Patreon/ProjectTres

Since November 2015, Carla’s been living in India teaching marginalised and socially excluded women how to design and produce accessories.
Brazilian, Carla Maria, is the originator of Project Três Since November 2015, Carla’s been living in India teaching marginalised and socially excluded women how to design and produce accessories. Source:

Creating new social and economic opportunities for women

By empowering and developing women’s leadership through education and self-sustainability, Project Três helps them to become economically independent. 

They provide training and technical support using fair trade programs. By teaching women how to create accessories out of recycled materials, they hope to develop and create new social and economic opportunities for them. 

"Três" is the number three in Portuguese. These accessories represent:

  1. The past – for what the material used to be
  2. The present – for a unique design product
  3. The future – creating a greener and more sustainable environment for our generation and those to come.

Source & Main Image: ProjectTrê

Project Três is currently working with 14 indian women at the Mahilashram in Goa, and it's being amazing!
Savita, painting some necklaces’s beads for new products Project Três is currently working with 14 indian women at the Mahilashram in Goa, and it’s being amazing! Source: Facebook/ProjectTres

What Does Project Três do?

Project Três is committed to change the world, one woman at a time. 

The project empowers women with the resources to rise above poverty. Forever.

They provide training skills, encouraging them to chase their own dreams.

Together they say they are even stronger. Empowered women transform their families, communities, and the world.

After working for a few years as a fashion designer at a well-known Brazilian company and spending a season living abroad, Carla drew upon her strong sense of female protagonism and decided to change not only her life but the lives of other women too. 

Since November 2015, Carla’s been living in India teaching marginalised and socially excluded women how to design and produce accessories.

Below is an infographic detailing how any donations through Patreon are spent.


If you are helping the project get farther, you should know where your money is going to be used! 
All the money goes to sustain the project going on every level: paying for every worker on a monthly basis, renting their first workshop space in Goa, covering regulatory expenses (the ubiquitous Indian
WHERE IS YOUR MONEY GOING? If you are helping the project get farther, you should know where your money is going to be used!
All the money goes to sustain the project going on every level: paying for every worker on a monthly basis, renting their first workshop space in Goa, covering regulatory expenses (the ubiquitous Indian “Red Tape”) and also administrative fees . Source: Facebook/ProjectTres

Donate direct NOW through Patreon and make a difference today

The project needs monthly support to cover school fees, improving their artisans homes, taking care of food assistance and health care. All money raised through the monthly donations is used to pay the wages of the women involved and to maintain the project in India.

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