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Poland poised to ban fur farming

The historic ban will spare the lives of approximately 6 million animals who are raised and killed for their fur in the country every year.

Approximately 6 Million Animals to be Spared annually in Poland’s Fur Farm Ban

PETA and other animal protection groups are celebrating some fantastic news from Poland. In the early hours of Friday 18 September, The Sejm (the lower house of the Polish parliament) voted in favour of a fur-farming ban. Poland is the world’s third-largest fur producer, after China and Denmark, and the ban will spare the lives of approximately 6 million animals who are raised and violently killed for their fur in the country every year. Unfortunately, rabbits are not included in the ban. The law will also ban ritual slaughter for exports, and the use of wild animals in circuses.

The positive news is the result of years of campaigning by Polish animal protection groups, including Viva Poland and Otwarte Klatki. Nearly 90,000 supporters of PETA affiliates also sent messages to Polish officials on the issue.
A mink farm in Poland The positive news is the result of years of campaigning by Polish animal protection groups, including Viva Poland and Otwarte Klatki. Nearly 90,000 supporters of PETA affiliates also sent messages to Polish officials on the issue. Source: WikimediaCommons/Anna Nowicka

the final version needs to be approved by the senate and signed by the President

At 2am on the morning of Friday 18 September, after a marathon of talks, votes and amendments, the Polish lower chamber of Parliament voted to ban fur farming! The law, which won a monumental battle, will also ban ritual slaughter for exports and the use of wild animals in circuses, Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) reported the same day.

The law, which passed with the overwhelming 365 ‘YES’ votes, only 75 ‘NO’s and 18 abstentions, also stipulates that:

  •  Ritual slaughter (i.e. slaughter without stunning) can only be used for the religious minorities registered in Poland.
  • Ritual slaughter for exports will be prohibited, after a transition period of only 30 days after the law kicks in.
  • Wild animals in circuses will also not be allowed.

Earlier the week, the Polish lower house of Parliament managed to put forward the draft law and go through three readings of the file. The first reading of the bill started on Wednesday, 16 September, and it took 11 hours and 84 votes for MPs to reach an agreement, finally, only at 7:30 AM on Thursday. Both the second and the third final reading of the bill were fast tracked on the same day, ending early on Friday morning.

During the talks, most parties, which would normally disagree on other issues, voted in unison for the animals. The only exception was the far-right Confederation party, which repeatedly blocked consensus.

With the toughest part now over, the final version now needs to be approved by the upper chamber of Parliament and then the President. CIWF said in their report that they expect this to be a formality.

Good news for animals are on a roll. On Wednesday, Czech legislators voted to ban cages for laying hens. Earlier this year, Slovakia agreed to phase out cages for laying hens, and Germany banned crates for pregnant sows.

Source: CIWF

We spotted this story first on FutureCrunch 

The project's sponsor was the Law and Justice Party MP Grzegorz Puda, Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy. He defended the project against attacks by supporters of the fur industry. In addition to the key issue of ethics, he argued that the project had involved consultations with villagers who suffer from the stench, insect infestations, environmental and groundwater pollution as a result of fur production, and who, as farmers, support the ban.
MP Marek Suski using footage from Anima International investigations The project’s sponsor was the Law and Justice Party MP Grzegorz Puda, Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy. He defended the project against attacks by supporters of the fur industry. In addition to the key issue of ethics, he argued that the project had involved consultations with villagers who suffer from the stench, insect infestations, environmental and groundwater pollution as a result of fur production, and who, as farmers, support the ban. Source:
Due to concerns on animal welfare and ethics, countries are distancing themselves from animal cruelty by banning fur farming. Other countries are adopting stricter welfare regulations that effectively make fur farming economically unviable. To see the full article from the FurFreeAlliance, click link ?
FUR BANS: WHERE? Due to concerns on animal welfare and ethics, countries are distancing themselves from animal cruelty by banning fur farming. Other countries are adopting stricter welfare regulations that effectively make fur farming economically unviable. To see the full article from the FurFreeAlliance, click link ? Source: FurFreeAlliance Fur Bans List
We need IMMEDIATE action to stop extinction crisis, David Attenborough - BBC With a million species at risk of extinction, Sir David Attenborough explores how this crisis of biodiversity has consequences for us all, threatening food and water security, undermining our ability to control our climate and even putting us at greater risk of pandemic diseases. Extinction is now happening up to 100 times faster than the natural evolutionary rate, but the issue is about more than the loss of individual species. Source: YouTube/BBC


There are plenty of cruelty free products that keep you warm so please don’t support this industry. There is NO need to wear animal furs or skins! Sign this petition to notify the editors of Vogue, Elle, and Vanity Fair magazine about this problem they continually ignore. So far, 37,690 signed out of 50,000. Make the difference.

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