Phil the Fixer: Embracing Off-Grid Living and Sustainable Agriculture through Tiny House and Food Forest

Phil the Fixer is on a mission to embrace off-grid living and sustainable agriculture by building his own tiny house and cultivating a food forest on his property.

Phil the Fixer’s Off-Grid, Sustainable Tiny House

Philip Aiken, also known as Phil the Fixer, is in a whole new space. He built an off-grid, sustainable tiny house last year that doesn’t rely on gas lines or electricity from coal plants. His journey in environmentalism began in high school when he learned about the effects of climate change, and he decided that this was going to be his life’s work.

Phil’s Environmentalism Journey

We were lucky enough to interview Phil and hear his story. After getting his master’s in renewable energy, Phil focused his research on off-grid net-zero homes. He has taken a different career path, driven by his goal of reconnecting people with nature and getting people more involved with nature-based solutions to the environmental and climate crisis.

Phil’s Singular Goal of Reconnecting People with Nature

Phil is now starting a food forest on his homestead, inspired by permaculture and regenerative agriculture. He is building it while sharing his progress on social media. His singular goal has been to have his own land to practice all the things he has studied and learned about over the past 7 or 8 years, such as healing soil and restoring ecosystems.

Phil’s Vision for Remedying the Climate Crisis

I believe that humans are in an environmental and climate crisis because we’ve disconnected from the natural cycles of nature, and we think that we’re above nature.

To remedy and reverse this, he believes that we need to reconnect people with nature and natural systems and connect people with their local ecosystems.

We are all part of nature.

Phil’s Philosophy on Being a Good Community Member

Phil thinks that it comes down to being a good person, community member, family member, and member of our natural ecosystem, of which we are a part.

The best thing we can do is to leave places better than we found them.

If you would like to read more about the Tiny House movement, read this article about this Dutch Tiny House pioneer!

This rent-to-own tiny housing scheme aims to lift low-income people out of poverty

Tiny Houses can resolve a lot of issues we have in today's world. It offers many benifits compared to regular housing. In this article you can learn and see what the upsides are of this emerging style of living.

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