Source: Facebook/AliciaJohnson

15 random acts of kindness and compassion. This is what the world needs to see more of.

A collection of 15 occasions when people took the time to look out for the needs of strangers.

No strangers, only friends we haven’t met yet

A random act of kindness is a nonpremeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the outside world. Facebook user Alicia Johnson collated and shared a selection of 15 such acts of compassion. This kind of behaviour towards each other benefits everyone. In these difficult times of division, polarisation and anxiety, it’s so important to notice that there is so much kindness out there and it deserves more attention. Just like negativity, positivy is also contagious, so please feel free to share this post and the positivity and humanity it represents.

1. Job satisfaction. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
2. Homework help Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
3. Uber-friendly Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
4. Grandma knows best. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
5. Police officer’s exceptional diplomacy skills saved man’s life. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
6. Walk this way. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
7. Selfless bravery. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
8. Hey buddy! Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
9. Knotty problem solved by kindness. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
10. Kindness repaid. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
11. Helping hands. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
12. Professor of Life. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
13. Lean on me. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
14. I have you. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson
15. The support of strangers in a crisis situation. Source: Facebook/Alicia Johnson


The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has fun kindness resources for schools, home & community & the workplace. They also have other resources to inspire you to practice kindness: kindness ideas, kindness quotes, the kindness blog, kindness videos and kindness stories.

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