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Paralysed in an accident, Chase Friedman learned to walk again and is hailed real-life Rocky by Sylvester Stallone

Chase Friedman from San Diego inspires thousands of people around the world with his unbelievable recovery from a broken spine. Watch the video above to see him reaching his goal.

Chase was told that he had a 50/50 chance to ever walk again. For nine weeks he worked hard in rehab to learn to walk again. Source: Chase Friedman

“You’ll be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, but you might be able to recover some parts of your body. But for some reason, all I heard was recovery is possible.”

Michael Jordan of spinal cord rehabilitation

Chase Friedman, a stand-up comedy talent manager from San Diego, went to Philadelphia to celebrate 2021 New Years’ Eve with friends. He accidentally injured himself, waking up without feeling anything below his shoulders. He could not move his legs and was told that he had a 50/50 chance of ever taking a step on his own again.

Despite feeling terrified, laying in the hospital bed with a broken spine, he stayed positive. He told himself to work harder, stay happier and more positive than anyone has ever been. Chase told the doctors his goal: walking up the famous ‘rocky steps’.

Although doctors called him crazy, Chase's goal was to walk up the famous rocky steps in Philadelphia. Source: Chase Friedman

Strong support for real life Rocky

Chase pushed hard in the rehabilitation facility to be able to walk again. He shared his goal online and kept his followers up to date on the progress. After nine weeks, he left the rehab and did what nobody thought would be possible… he walked up the rocky steps. To his surprise, Chase got cheered on by hundreds of people that had been following his story.

“The support from my loved ones was overwhelming and really kept me going. Apart from that movies, I would watch every inspirational movie I can like the Rocky films… just anything that had a main character that had to overcome something that seemed impossible. and I would watch that movie and I’d be like, that’s me. I’m going to do this.”

Chase’s determination and positivity not only reached the world, but also Sylvester Stallone. The famous actor who starred as Rocky Bilboa hailed Chase a ‘real life Rocky’ on his socials. Today, Chase is living his life without the need of assistance.

And he completed his goal by walking up the steps. Chase was cheered on by hundreds of people who followed him online. Source: Chase Friedman

Never give up!

"This is temporary. No matter how bad things can get in life, there is a way out. This lesson can be applied to most difficult situations in life." - Chase Friedman

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