Source: Facebook/FlyingSeagulls

Because every child deserves to smile…

Spreading joy throughout the world, through music, art, circus, dance and theatre, most recently with refugees in Greece, because every child deserves the right to laugh and play.

The Flying Seagull Project is a charity that delivers much needed laughter to vulnerable children

The Flying Seagull Project runs workshops, creates music events, visits refugee camps, hospitals, orphanages, street centres, residential care units, and centres for disability, bringing light and laughter with them wherever they go.

Source: Facebook/BBC

The Project was founded by actors, dancers, clowns and musicians, determined to make a difference

The Flying Seagull Project was founded over four years ago, by a team of actors, dancers, clowns and musicians, determined to make a difference in the world.

What they do is create music, dance and arts workshops and interactive shows designed to stimulate and encourage the imagination. They provide a safe and supportive environment for the children or adults to find their confidence and to explore. They say they work closely with the staff so that they can inspire them to new ideas and to more progressive ways of working, techniques that they take as standard back home in Britian.

The aim is that when they part company the staff can continue to progress, and to make this possible they also endeavour to leave the materials and resources needed. 

They work indiscriminately with orphans, street teens, mentally ill, vulnerable adults, the elderly, isolated communities, and terminally ill children. In each place they adapt to the needs of the group and ensure the experience is enjoyed by all. This can be an interactive show, a staff skills swap, a hands on workshop, or even a week long theatre production!

The difference some time of imaginative and non verbal based experimentation can make is incredible. For most of these kids, just some attention and intensive interaction one on one is a rarity. For those that have been abandoned, it is very much needed! 

They have funded themselves almost entirely from events and personal sponsorship, but to expand our impact they hope for, and deepen their work they are seeking more support.

The Flying Seagull Project aims to:

  • Provide a platform for the enjoyment of theatre, music and the arts with the benefit of raised self confidence, community bond strengthening, and improved social communication.
  • Help inspire and train staff and social workers within the over seas child care spectrum. By offering workshops and providing necessary resources we aim to promote new and progressive techniques.
  • Use non-verbal communication, creative processes and the imagination to empower isolated and disconnected peoples. Strengthen inter cultural relation’s and show that someone cares and supports them.
If you would like to offer your support with a donation, click HERE to find out how you can help.

Source: TheBigGive

Many of the children have had nothing to laugh about in a very long time. Some of them have witnessed atrocities, civil war, lived through famine and drought, and experienced persecution firsthand. A good giggle is just what these younsters need right now. Let's not forget: these are children.
The Universal language of laughter Many of the children have had nothing to laugh about in a very long time. Some of them have witnessed atrocities, civil war, lived through famine and drought, and experienced persecution firsthand. A good giggle is just what these younsters need right now. Let’s not forget: these are children. Source: Facebook/FlyingSeagulls

Want to join the Seagull team?

The Flying Seagulls are almost 100% volunteers, and it’s only the generous commitment of those involved that makes it what it is today. The volunteer programme is one of exciting opportunities, big challenges, and great rewards. From performing at UK festivals to running street shows in Gypsy communities, to visiting poorly children in hospitals, there is always something to give and to learn.

There is the general commitment that everyone gets stuck into everything, and they all work together to make it the fullest experience possible. This means they all do the fun bits, but they also have to lend a hand with the washing up and milking the cow from time to time! They always have at least one long term member on the team so though you will be challenged in new ways and will at times work independently, you’ll never be without the support you need.

All activities are created to enthuse, enlighten and encourage, and as such have communication at their heart. You’ve got to have a load of energy and patience! The sessions are sensory based, not heavily reliant on language, and focus on creative conversation and exchange. If you’re energetic, enthusiastic, good humoured and up for giving it your all, you’ll have a great time and make a big difference. Think you want to join? Click JOIN for details on how you can become part of the Laugh-olution.

Source: TheFlyingSeagullProject

Fundraise for The Flying Seagulls Project or join the Monthly Donors Club

Whether you run a marathon or a laughathon, let us know what you’re interested in and we’ll be by your side to help you reach your goal and spread some smiles! Or by joining our monthly donors club you’ll help ensure that we can keep on working with children in need of a smile across the world.

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