
New Top 10 happiest countries in the world

The UN just ranked countries by their happiness levels, based on, income, freedom, trust, healthy life expectancy, social support and generosity.

Nordic nations take all top four places in happiness rankings

According to a recent UN report, Finland has overtaken Norway to become the happiest nation on earth. The report, an annual publication from the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, said all the Nordic countries scored highly on income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust and generosity. The rankings are based on Gallup polls of self-reported wellbeing, along with perceptions of corruption, generosity and freedom. 

United Nations New Top 10 happiest countries in the world Top 10 happiest countries, 2018 (2017 ranking in brackets) 1. Finland (5), 2. Norway (1), 3. Denmark (2), 4. Iceland (3), 5. Switzerland (4), 6. Netherlands (6), 7. Canada (7), 8. New Zealand (8),9. Sweden (10),10. Australia (9) Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

Report finds happiness of immigrant populations is almost the same as the rest of the population

The World Happiness Report is an annual publication of United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network that contains rankings of national happiness and analysis of the data from various perspectives. As of March 2018, Finland was ranked the happiest country in the world. The survey ranks some 156 countries by their happiness levels, and 117 by the happiness of their immigrants.  The survey measures "subjective well-being".

In the latest World Happiness Report, a yearly ranking from the United Nations that assesses a country’s average well-being by looking at its income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, and trust and generosity, the authors paid particular attention to migration. It appears the happiest countries in the world have a lot in common — including their policies on immigration.

“Perhaps the most striking finding of the whole report is that a ranking of countries according to the happiness of their immigrant populations is almost exactly the same as for the rest of the population," the authors of the report wrote.

Finland replaced Norway as the number one spot on the list this year, with Denmark and Iceland in third and fourth place respectively.

Source:  BusinessInsider 

They also created and host the World Championships for: mobile phone throwing, mosquito catching, swamp soccer and air guitar. Is it any wonder Finns are so happy?
The happy Finns have created their own sport: The World Wife Carrying Championships They also created and host the World Championships for: mobile phone throwing, mosquito catching, swamp soccer and air guitar. Is it any wonder Finns are so happy? Source:

Countdown of the top 10 happiest countries in the world

10. Australia. Australian society is multicultural, young and open-minded. The average age is 37.

9. Sweden. The home of IKEA, where alcohol is pricy, but universities are tuition-free.

8. New Zealand. Famous for the All Blacks, kiwis and its breathtaking nature.

7. Canada. The world’s second largest country scores high ratings for education, health care and public safety. And Ice hockey.

6. Netherlands. In this bicycle loving country, prisons are being closed as crime rates drop and policies are increasingly focused on rehabilitation. 

5. Switzerland. Amazing mountains, universal healthcare and home to the best chocolate in the world

4. Iceland. The best country in the world for gender equality and ridiculously strong men (the mountain, GOT).

3. Denmark. Besides great social security, universal healthcare, and a universal pension, they also have… Legoland!

2. Norway. In Norway, parents are entitled to 46 weeks at full salary. Its homicide, incarceration, and gun violence rates are among the lowest in the world.  Its midnight sun is stunning.

1. Finland. The 3rd wealthiest country is also the world’s safest country.

10 Ways to Be Happier

How happy are you―really? If there’s room for improvement, try one of these suggestions.

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