Source: BrightVibes

New Dutch Vertical Forest is literally the greenest social housing project around

Trudo Toren—a stunning vertical forest in Eindhoven—promotes biodiversity, fights climate change and provides what must be the coolest-looking affordable housing in The Netherlands.

Eindhoven’s new Trudo Vertical Forest is an affordable social housing initiative

The Netherlands has just finished planting 125 trees in its first Vertical Forest in preparation for the new residents to move in next month. What makes Trudo Toren (Trudo Tower) even more special is that it comprises 125 small apartments (of approximately 50m2 each) that are affordable, as the scheme is a social housing project. Trudo is the name of the housing association in Eindhoven behind the project, with architecture by vertical forest pioneer Stefan Boeri Architetti.

The 125 trees and 5,200 shrubs and plants annually absorb 50,000 kilos of co2 and produce 13,750 kilos of oxygen.

A wonderful collaboration between different companies with the same goal: promoting biodiversity in metropolitan areas. The 125 trees and 5,200 shrubs and plants annually absorb 50,000 kilos of co2 and produce 13,750 kilos of oxygen. Source: BrightVibes

Trudo Toren: the Last Tree

On 2 June, the last tree was planted on the facade of the green Trudo Tower. This months-long operation was carried out with great care by Du Pré green projects and Stam en de Koning.

All trees and plants have been selected thanks to a collaboration between Laura Gatti (Italian botanist), Dupré and tree nursery Van de Berk in Sint-Oedenrode.

A wonderful collaboration between different companies with the same goal: promoting biodiversity in metropolitan areas. The 125 trees and 5,200 shrubs and plants annually absorb 50,000 kilos of co2 and produce 13,750 kilos of oxygen. The first bird’s nest has already been spotted. Everyone involved is very curious to see what the Trudo Tower will look like during the four seasons.

A fine example of Supporting People: 125 affordable, beautiful and sustainable rental homes in one of the most attractive and lively places in Eindhoven! 


The expertise of architect Stefano Boeri, who is already internationally renowned for the green residential towers in Milan, was commissioned by the Sint-Trudo housing association for the realisation of a green apartment complex on Strijp-S.

Trudo Tower: the first Vertical Forest in the Netherlands,, was built in Eindhoven during 2020-2021. The expertise of architect Stefano Boeri, who is already internationally renowned for the green residential towers in Milan, was commissioned by the Sint-Trudo housing association for the realisation of a green apartment complex on Strijp-S. Source: BrightVibes

However, each apartment still has the spatial extension offered by terraces of more than 4 square metres and the natural micro-environment created by the presence on each balcony of 1 tree and 20 bushes.
Each apartment is small in size (less than 50 square metres) and designed according to the type of user for which it is intended. However, each apartment still has the spatial extension offered by terraces of more than 4 square metres and the natural micro-environment created by the presence on each balcony of 1 tree and 20 bushes. Source:
In actual fact the Trudo Vertical Forest will be able to generate a new green habitat within the Eindhoven metropolitan environment for the development of biodiversity, a genuine ecosystem driven by the presence of over 70 different plant species able to combat atmospheric pollution thanks to the capacity of trees to absorb over 50 tons of carbon dioxide every year.
The social value of the intervention must also be measured in terms of urban impact and, in a broader sense, the global scenario of cultural and symbolic values and visions linked to the architectural project. In actual fact the Trudo Vertical Forest will be able to generate a new green habitat within the Eindhoven metropolitan environment for the development of biodiversity, a genuine ecosystem driven by the presence of over 70 different plant species able to combat atmospheric pollution thanks to the capacity of trees to absorb over 50 tons of carbon dioxide every year. Source:
The combined human-tree, architecture-tree and city-tree interaction make the model first experimented with in Milan and today in Holland the expression of a new design paradigm in which vegetation and living nature must be considered constituent elements – and not just ornamental ones – of architectural language.
The 70-metre high tower is the first vertical forest intended for social housing. The combined human-tree, architecture-tree and city-tree interaction make the model first experimented with in Milan and today in Holland the expression of a new design paradigm in which vegetation and living nature must be considered constituent elements – and not just ornamental ones – of architectural language. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
These planters are filled with trees, shrubs and perennials, and the amount and size of the planting has created an entirely new, vertical green structure. It is a highly innovative form of urban development, which is perfectly in line with the urgency for making cities greener.
The building has its green appearance from XL planters on the façade of each apartment. These planters are filled with trees, shrubs and perennials, and the amount and size of the planting has created an entirely new, vertical green structure. It is a highly innovative form of urban development, which is perfectly in line with the urgency for making cities greener. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
Everyone involved in the project is eager to see what the Trudo Tower will look like during the four seasons.
The first bird’s nest has already been spotted. Everyone involved in the project is eager to see what the Trudo Tower will look like during the four seasons. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
Then they were checked personally by Laura Gatti and Stefano Boeri. In total, the trees remained on the drip irrigation system at Van den Berk for three years in the specially laid out field, until the project reached the stage when they could be replanted.
In spring 2018, all of the trees were lifted and fitted with an ‘airpot’. Then they were checked personally by Laura Gatti and Stefano Boeri. In total, the trees remained on the drip irrigation system at Van den Berk for three years in the specially laid out field, until the project reached the stage when they could be replanted. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
The root balls of the trees are anchored to the planters and steel wire is used to secure the trees to the building. The trees are planted in a specially composed substrate.
Trudo Toren: a total of 125 trees are planted on 19 floors. The root balls of the trees are anchored to the planters and steel wire is used to secure the trees to the building. The trees are planted in a specially composed substrate. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
The root balls developed good roots because airpots encourage the growth of fine root hairs. This method produces root balls of the highest quality possible.
Lifting the trees and then placing them in airpots means they got over their transplantation stress while they were still at the nursery. The root balls developed good roots because airpots encourage the growth of fine root hairs. This method produces root balls of the highest quality possible. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
In order to achieve an attractive overall look, a diverse range of foliage colour, leaf shape and blossom were of course also taken into account.
Together with landscape architect Laura Gatti and DuPré green contractor, a more or less indigenous and strong assortment was chosen so the forest would have the very best chance of thriving. In order to achieve an attractive overall look, a diverse range of foliage colour, leaf shape and blossom were of course also taken into account. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
An automatically controlled watering system guarantees good growth in the Vertical Forest’s planters.
Watering and maintenance: An automatically controlled watering system guarantees good growth in the Vertical Forest’s planters. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
A custom made maintenance plan was drafted and maintenance is carried out using a window cleaning system, four or five times a year.
All of the residential complex’s planters are fitted with sensors, which monitor water requirement and ensure that water is administered in time. A custom made maintenance plan was drafted and maintenance is carried out using a window cleaning system, four or five times a year. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
With the input of expertise from various disciplines, the technical challenges could be properly mapped out. They jointly thought about the right growing place design.
A green project group was set up at an early stage for this ambitious and innovative project. With the input of expertise from various disciplines, the technical challenges could be properly mapped out. They jointly thought about the right growing place design. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
A good example of integrated project development in which the best possible conditions have been created for the trees.
Tests were set up, suitable tree species discussed and trees were prepared early for on-site regrowth. A good example of integrated project development in which the best possible conditions have been created for the trees. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
Also, as well as single stem trees, multi-stem trees have been selected. The species used on the project can be viewed at the bottom of this article.
Red and grey-leaved trees have been included in the planting. Also, as well as single stem trees, multi-stem trees have been selected. The species used on the project can be viewed at the bottom of this article. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
Woningcorporatie Sint Trudo|Sint Trudo, housing corporation|Stefano Boeri Architecti|Stam + de Koning, contruction|DuPré, green contractor|BvB Substrates|Van den Berk Nurseries.
The project group consisted of representatives of: Woningcorporatie Sint Trudo|Sint Trudo, housing corporation|Stefano Boeri Architecti|Stam + de Koning, contruction|DuPré, green contractor|BvB Substrates|Van den Berk Nurseries. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
This months-long operation was carried out with great care by Du Pré green projects and Stam en de Koning.
On 2 June, the last tree was planted on the facade of the green Trudo Tower. This months-long operation was carried out with great care by Du Pré green projects and Stam en de Koning. Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)
For a deep dive into the details of the trees planted on this project, click “Source” and scroll to the bottom of the page ?
Trees for this application: For a deep dive into the details of the trees planted on this project, click “Source” and scroll to the bottom of the page ? Source: VAN DEN BERK (UK Ltd.)


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