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Meet CNN Hero of the Year, Maggie Doyne, the mother to 50 Nepalese Children

When the American Maggie was 18, she went backpacking in Nepal. Fast forward 11 years… she adopted 50 children, started 2 schools and runs her own NGO.

Maggie Doyne is the most inspring young lady, we have ever met. We’ve had the opportunity to interview her when she was in Amsterdam. Initially we wanted to create one short video, but she is such an inspiration that we decided to create a series. Watch the video below. 

Maggie Doyne, mother of 50 children in Nepal This is the first episode about the amazing story of Maggie Doyne. She explains who she is, what she does and how she got there. In the other episodes we will dig deeper into what motivates her to do this amazing work. She will also openly talk about her darkest moments, and shares many meaningful insights about life with us. Rest assured, after watching the full series you too will be contaminated to contribute positively, thanks to her contagiously inspiring story. Source: BrightVibes

In stead of going to university, Maggie chose to learn more about the world by travelling. Before deciding what she was going to study and which career to pursuit, she first wanted to get to know herself better . So she packed her bags and travelled to Nepal. 


From 1 to 50 children. And more. Much more.

Maggie rolled up her sleeves and got to work. She helped Hima go to school, paying for her tuition, uniform, and books, and started to transform her life. Then she helped a few more children, then a few more. But her money could only go so far. More was needed. These children needed a place to call home.

Today – eleven years later – she is the mother to 50 children. The children live with her in a house on a piece of land that she bought for $5.000 with her baby sitting earnings. Besides her children’s home, she also founded two schools where hundreds of children study, laying the foundation for a better future.

Her home and school go under the name of Kopila Valley (Kopila means ‘Flower bud’ in Nepalese), which in turn is supported by Maggie’s own NGO, called BlinkNow.

Her organisation runs the children’s home, the school, a health clinic and a women center. And everything they do and build, is done in the most sustainable way possible.  No wonder that in November 2015, Maggie won the prestigious CNN Hero of the Year award. 

Maggie Doyne receives the CNN Hero of the Year award.
CNN Hero of the Year 2015 Maggie Doyne receives the CNN Hero of the Year award. Source: CNN Hero
Kopila House is celebrating Dashain, the most important 15 day long festiaval in Nepal.
Kids, staff and volunteers Kopila House is celebrating Dashain, the most important 15 day long festiaval in Nepal. Source: Facebook Blinknow
When we heard we could interview Maggie, we were of course thrilled. So when we met her (here you see Maggie with Michiel de Gooijer (founder of BrightVibes)) we were a bit nervous. One doesn't meet CNN Heroes of the year every day ;-) But we immediately felt at ease with her. What really stood out during our time with Maggie is how incredibly positive, kind, strong, open, sensitive and driven she is. She's very pure. And it's not just her heart that speaks out.  She's also a great leader. The BlinkNow Foundation that she runs, consists of a big team of staff and volunteers, and impacts the lives of so many people positively. She is the living and breathing example of someone who lives by the rule of 'Being the change you want to see in this world'.
Incredibly kind When we heard we could interview Maggie, we were of course thrilled. So when we met her (here you see Maggie with Michiel de Gooijer (founder of BrightVibes)) we were a bit nervous. One doesn’t meet CNN Heroes of the year every day 😉 But we immediately felt at ease with her. What really stood out during our time with Maggie is how incredibly positive, kind, strong, open, sensitive and driven she is. She’s very pure. And it’s not just her heart that speaks out. She’s also a great leader. The BlinkNow Foundation that she runs, consists of a big team of staff and volunteers, and impacts the lives of so many people positively. She is the living and breathing example of someone who lives by the rule of ‘Being the change you want to see in this world’. Source: BrightVibes

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