
At this cafe in Madrid you can have a coffee and adopt a dog

TheDoger café is the first coffeehouse where they welcome homeless dogs to find their ideal forever home.

Coffee and cuddles in Spain’s first puppy adoption cafeteria

A cafeteria in Madrid, Spain, has doubled up as a dog adoption centre where customers hang out with puppies over a coffee. TheDoger cafe in the city centre is the first of its kind in Spain, and has been a big hit with animal lovers.

This cafe serves coffee and you can adopt abandoned puppies TheDoger café the first coffeehouse where they welcome homeless dogs to find their ideal forever home. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

TheDoger vegetarian cafeteria is an important link in the adoption chain

TheDoger café is Spain’s first coffeehouse where they welcome homeless dogs to find their ideal forever home. They feed them, care for and pamper them daily, all thanks to the visits of their customers, who can chow down on delicious vegetarian food while they are in the café. Part of the proceeds from each sale to humans goes toward puppy care.

Vegetarian and vegan cafeteria

Visitors can enjoy a totally vegetarian menu. You’ll find signature craft beers, organic brownies and delicious tostadas (toasties), among other vegetarian and vegan options.

InCity Reception Center

In this Coffeehouse the organisers want to reinvent adoption. Helping traditional animal shelters, they want to make your visits more pleasant and welcoming so that you can get along better with the little furry ones.

Reducing abandonment

By collaborating with more than 15 animal animal shelters nationwide, TheDoger Café believe they are an important key to speed up adoptions. They also give free talks to raise awareness of abandonment.

The puppies get to interact with visitors and prospective adopters for about 15 minutes, and get to cool down with a two-hour nap period.
Puffed out puppies take a well-earned nap The puppies get to interact with visitors and prospective adopters for about 15 minutes, and get to cool down with a two-hour nap period. Source: TheOlivePress

Puppies spend about 3-4 weeks at the cafe as they’re gently eased back in to socialising

Founders Roberto Aláez and Javier Alcazar started the cafe after contacting dog shelters and offering to advertise dogs up for adoption.  

Aláez told the Daily Mail“We are adopting many shelters in such a short time, and above all we are transmitting consciousness to the people through great communication.” 

The puppies get to interact with visitors and prospective adopters for about 15 minutes, and get to cool down with a two-hour nap period.

Typically the puppies spend about three to four weeks at the cafe as they’re gently eased back in to socialising with humans while they overcome the anxiety and stress of shelter life.

The owners say they have their sights set on the South American market and are in the advanced stages of bringing the new concept to Peru.

Aláez said: “In addition to creating this community for the world of pets, the awareness reduces abandonment in a remarkable way.” Aláez told DailyMail.

Check out their website (where you can see puppies up for adoption) or find them on Facebook.

By collaborating with more than 15 animal animal shelters nationwide, TheDoger Café believe they are an important key to speed up adoptions. They also give free talks to raise awareness of abandonment.
Puppicino to go By collaborating with more than 15 animal animal shelters nationwide, TheDoger Café believe they are an important key to speed up adoptions. They also give free talks to raise awareness of abandonment. Source:

How to Help an Animal Shelter: 11 Steps (With Pictures)

Animal shelters are great organizations that save defenseless animals. However, lots of animals go into shelters each year, and not enough come out. Helping them can be very rewarding, and you will feel like a hero.

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